Seid H Pourtakdoust
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Cited by
An extension of ant colony system to continuous optimization problems
SH Pourtakdoust, H Nobahari
International Workshop on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence …, 2004
Optimal maneuver-based motion planning over terrain and threats using a dynamic hybrid PSO algorithm
J Karimi, SH Pourtakdoust
Aerospace Science and Technology 26 (1), 60-71, 2013
Chaotic analysis of nonlinear viscoelastic panel flutter in supersonic flow
SH Pourtakdoust, SA Fazelzadeh
Nonlinear Dynamics 32, 387-404, 2003
Advanced UAV aerodynamics, flight stability and control: novel concepts, theory and applications
P Belobaba, J Cooper, A Seabridge
John Wiley & Sons, 2017
Investigation of thrust effect on the vibrational characteristics of flexible guided missiles
SH Pourtakdoust, N Assadian
Journal of sound and vibration 272 (1-2), 287-299, 2004
Multisensor attitude estimation: fundamental concepts and applications
H Fourati, DEC Belkhiat
CRC Press, 2016
Multiobjective genetic optimization of Earth–Moon trajectories in the restricted four-body problem
N Assadian, SH Pourtakdoust
Advances in Space Research 45 (3), 398-409, 2010
An adaptive unscented Kalman filter for quaternion‐based orientation estimation in low‐cost AHRS
SH Pourtakdoust, H Ghanbarpour Asl
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 79 (5), 485-493, 2007
A new hybrid approach for dynamic continuous optimization problems
J Karimi, H Nobahari, SH Pourtakdoust
Applied Soft Computing 12 (3), 1158-1167, 2012
Optimal trajectory planning for flight through microburst wind shears
SH Pourtakdoust, M Kiani, A Hassanpour
Aerospace Science and Technology 15 (7), 567-576, 2011
Evaluation of flapping wing propulsion based on a new experimentally validated aeroelastic model
SH Pourtakdoust, SK Aliabadi
Scientia Iranica 19 (3), 472-482, 2012
Consistent calibration of magnetometers for nonlinear attitude determination
M Kiani, SH Pourtakdoust, AA Sheikhy
measurement 73, 180-190, 2015
Optimal approach to halo orbit control
A Rahmani, MA Jalali, S Pourtakdoust
AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, 5748, 2003
Nonlinear aerothermoelastic behavior of skin panel with wall shear stress effect
SH Pourtakdoust, SA Fazelzadeh
Journal of Thermal Stresses 28 (2), 147-169, 2005
Adaptive square-root cubature–quadrature Kalman particle filter for satellite attitude determination using vector observations
M Kiani, SH Pourtakdoust
Acta Astronautica 105 (1), 109-116, 2014
Development of a radiation based heat model for satellite attitude determination
A Labibian, SH Pourtakdoust, A Alikhani, H Fourati
Aerospace Science and Technology 82, 479-486, 2018
On the quasi-equilibria of the BiElliptic four-body problem with non-coplanar motion of primaries
N Assadian, SH Pourtakdoust
Acta Astronautica 66 (1-2), 45-58, 2010
Regular and chaotic solutions of the Sitnikov problem near the 3/2 commensurability
MA Jalali, SH Pourtakdoust
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 68, 151-162, 1997
State estimation of nonlinear dynamic systems using weighted variance-based adaptive particle swarm optimization
M Kiani, SH Pourtakdoust
Applied Soft Computing 34, 1-17, 2015
UD covariance factorization for unscented Kalman filter using sequential measurements update
HG Asl, SH Pourtakdoust
International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering 1 (10), 564-572, 2007
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Articles 1–20