Antonius Indarto
Antonius Indarto
Bioenergy Engineering & Chemurgy, Institut Teknologi Bandung
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Cited by
Nanotechnologies in water and air pollution treatment
IS Yunus, Harwin, A Kurniawan, D Adityawarman, A Indarto
Environmental Technology Reviews 1 (1), 136-148, 2012
Gliding arc plasma processing of CO2 conversion
A Indarto, DR Yang, JW Choi, H Lee, HK Song
Journal of hazardous materials 146 (1-2), 309-315, 2007
Effect of additive gases on methane conversion using gliding arc discharge
A Indarto, JW Choi, H Lee, HK Song
Energy 31 (14), 2986-2995, 2006
Kinetic modeling of plasma methane conversion in a dielectric barrier discharge
A Indarto, N Coowanitwong, JW Choi, H Lee, HK Song
Fuel Processing Technology 89 (2), 214-219, 2008
Conversion of CO2 by gliding arc plasma
A Indarto, JW Choi, H Lee, HK Song
Environmental engineering science 23 (6), 1033-1043, 2006
Advanced VOCs decomposition method by gliding arc plasma
A Indarto, DR Yang, CH Azhari, WHW Mohtar, JW Choi, H Lee, HK Song
Chemical Engineering Journal 131 (1-3), 337-341, 2007
Partial oxidation of methane with Cu–Zn–Al catalyst in a dielectric barrier discharge
A Indarto, DR Yang, J Palgunadi, JW Choi, H Lee, HK Song
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 47 (5), 780-786, 2008
A review of direct methane conversion to methanol by dielectric barrier discharge
A Indarto
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 15 (4), 1038-1043, 2008
Kinetic modeling of plasma methane conversion using gliding arc
A Indarto, JW Choi, H Lee, HK Song
J. Nat. Gas Chem 14, 13-21, 2005
Decomposition of greenhouse gases by plasma
A Indarto, JW Choi, H Lee, HK Song
Environmental Chemistry Letters 6, 215-222, 2008
H2S–CO2 Separation Using Room Temperature Ionic Liquid [BMIM][Br]
H Handy, A Santoso, A Widodo, J Palgunadi, TH Soerawidjaja, A Indarto
Separation Science and Technology 49 (13), 2079-2084, 2014
Advances in water quality control
G Krantzberg, A Tanik, JSA do Carmo, A Indarto, A Ekdal, M Gurel, ...
Scientific Research Publishing, Inc. USA, 2010
Methane conversion using dielectric barrier discharge: comparison with thermal process and catalyst effects
A Indarto, JW Choi, H Lee, HK Song
Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 15 (2), 87-92, 2006
Hydrogen production from methane in a dielectric barrier discharge using oxide zinc and chromium as catalyst
A Indarto
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers 39 (1), 23-28, 2008
Heterogeneous reactions of HONO formation from NO2 and HNO3: a review
A Indarto
Research on Chemical Intermediates 38, 1029-1041, 2012
Partial oxidation of methane with yttria-stabilized zirconia catalyst in a dielectric barrier discharge
A Indarto, H Lee, JW Choi, HK Song
Energy Sources, Part A 30 (17), 1628-1636, 2008
Syngas: production, applications, and environmental impact
A Indarto, J Palguandi
Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated, 2012
Cocoa bean shell waste as potential raw material for dietary fiber powder
L Handojo, H Triharyogi, A Indarto
International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture 8, 485-491, 2019
Partial oxidation of methane with sol-gel Fe/Hf/YSZ catalyst in dielectric barrier discharge: catalyst activation by plasma
A Indarto, JW Cho, H Lee, HK Song, J Palgunadi
Journal of Rare Earths 24 (5), 513-518, 2006
Application of nanotechnologies in the energy sector: A brief and short review
F Christian, Edith, Selly, D Adityawarman, A Indarto
Frontiers in Energy 7, 6-18, 2013
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Articles 1–20