Zong-Ming Li
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Cited by
Enslaving effects in multi-finger force production
VM Zatsiorsky, ZM Li, ML Latash
Experimental brain research 131, 187-195, 2000
Force sharing among fingers as a model of the redundancy problem
ZM Li, ML Latash, VM Zatsiorsky
Experimental brain research 119, 276-286, 1998
Coordinated force production in multi-finger tasks: finger interaction and neural network modeling
VM Zatsiorsky, ZM Li, ML Latash
Biological cybernetics 79 (2), 139-150, 1998
Efficacy of a fabricated customized splint and tendon and nerve gliding exercises for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome: a randomized controlled trial
TL Brininger, JC Rogers, MB Holm, NA Baker, ZM Li, RJ Goitz
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 88 (11), 1429-1435, 2007
Coupling between wrist flexion–extension and radial–ulnar deviation
ZM Li, L Kuxhaus, JA Fisk, TH Christophel
Clinical biomechanics 20 (2), 177-183, 2005
The influence of wrist position on individual finger forces during forceful grip
The Journal of hand surgery 27 (5), 886-896, 2002
Contribution of the extrinsic and intrinsic hand muscles to the moments in finger joints
ZM Li, VM Zatsiorsky, ML Latash
Clinical biomechanics 15 (3), 203-211, 2000
Motor redundancy during maximal voluntary contraction in four-finger tasks
ZM Li, ML Latash, KM Newell, VM Zatsiorsky
Experimental Brain Research 122, 71-78, 1998
Coordination of thumb joints during opposition
ZM Li, J Tang
Journal of biomechanics 40 (3), 502-510, 2007
The effect of fatigue on multifinger co-ordination in force production tasks in humans
F Danion, ML Latash, ZM Li, VM Zatsiorsky
The Journal of physiology 523 (Pt 2), 523, 2000
The effect of finger extensor mechanism on the flexor force during isometric tasks
ZM Li, VM Zatsiorsky, ML Latash
Journal of biomechanics 34 (8), 1097-1102, 2001
A principle of error compensation studied within a task of force production by a redundant set of fingers
ML Latash, ZM Li, VM Zatsiorsky
Experimental brain research 122, 131-138, 1998
Tendon and nerve displacement at the wrist during finger movements
UC Ugbolue, WH Hsu, RJ Goitz, ZM Li
Clinical Biomechanics 20 (1), 50-56, 2005
Reconstruction of the interosseous ligament restores normal forearm compressive load transfer in cadavers
HJ Pfaeffle, KJ Stabile, ZM Li, MM Tomaino
The Journal of hand surgery 30 (2), 319-325, 2005
Reconstruction of the interosseous ligament of the forearm reduces load on the radial head in cadavers
MM Tomaino, J Pfaeffle, K Stabile, ZM Li
Journal of hand surgery 28 (3), 267-270, 2003
Bilateral deficit and symmetry in finger force production during two-hand multifinger tasks
S Li, F Danion, ML Latash, ZM Li, VM Zatsiorsky
Experimental Brain Research 141, 530-540, 2001
Changes in the force-sharing pattern induced by modifications of visual feedback during force production by a set of fingers
ML Latash, IM Gelfand, ZM Li, VM Zatsiorsky
Experimental Brain Research 123, 255-262, 1998
Effects of dividing the transverse carpal ligament on the mechanical behavior of the carpal bones under axial compressive load: a finite element study
X Guo, Y Fan, ZM Li
Medical engineering & physics 31 (2), 188-194, 2009
Functional degrees of freedom
Motor control 10 (4), 301-310, 2006
Motion enslaving among multiple fingers of the human hand
ZM Li, S Dun, DA Harkness, TL Brininger
Motor control 8 (1), 1-15, 2004
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Articles 1–20