Cristina Manfredotti
Cristina Manfredotti
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Modeling and inference with relational dynamic Bayesian networks
C Manfredotti
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 22nd Canadian Conference on Artificial …, 2009
Towards interactive causal relation discovery driven by an ontology
M Munch, J Dibie, PH Wuillemin, C Manfredotti
The Thirty-Second International Flairs Conference, 2019
Investigating substitutability of food items in consumption data
S Akkoyunlu, C Manfredotti, A Cornuéjols, N Darcel, F Delaere
Second International Workshop on Health Recommender Systems co-located with …, 2017
Learning probabilistic relational models using an ontology of transformation processes
M Munch, PH Wuillemin, C Manfredotti, J Dibie, S Dervaux
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems. OTM 2017 Conferences …, 2017
A new algorithm for learning non-stationary dynamic Bayesian networks with application to event detection
C Gonzales, S Dubuisson, C Manfredotti
The twenty-eighth international flairs conference, 2015
Interactive causal discovery in knowledge graphs
M Munch, J Dibie-Barthelemy, PH Wuillemin, C Manfredotti
PROFILES/SEMEX@ ISWC 2019 2465, 78-93, 2019
Relational dynamic Bayesian networks to improve multi-target tracking
C Manfredotti, E Messina
International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems …, 2009
Foreground-to-ghost discrimination in single-difference pre-processing
F Archetti, CE Manfredotti, V Messina, DG Sorrenti
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems: 8th International …, 2006
A particle filtering approach for tracking an unknown number of objects with dynamic relations
L Cattelani, C Manfredotti, E Messina
Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in Operations Research 13, 3-21, 2014
Learning RDBNs for activity recognition
C Manfredotti, H Hamilton, S Zilles
NIPS Workshop on Learning and Planning from Batch Time Series Data, 59, 2010
Combining ontology and probabilistic models for the design of bio-based product transformation processes
M Munch, P Buche, S Dervaux, J Dibie, L Ibanescu, C Manfredotti, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 203, 117406, 2022
Simultaneous tracking and activity recognition
C Manfredotti, DJ Fleet, HJ Hamilton, S Zilles
2011 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2011
Principles and validations of an artificial intelligence-based recommender system suggesting acceptable food changes
J Vandeputte, P Herold, M Kuslii, P Viappiani, L Muller, C Martin, ...
The Journal of Nutrition 153 (2), 598-604, 2023
Exploring eating behaviours modelling for user clustering
S Akkoyunlu, C Manfredotti, A Cornuéjols, N Darcel, F Delaere
HealthRecSys@ RecSys 2018 colocated with ACM Recsys’ 18 (ACM Conference …, 2018
A process reverse engineering approach using Process and Observation Ontology and Probabilistic Relational Models: Application to processing of bio-composites for food packaging
M Münch, P Buche, C Manfredotti, PH Wuillemin, H Angellier-Coussy
Research Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research, 3-15, 2021
Combining gene expression profiles and drug activity patterns analysis: A relational clustering approach
E Fersini, E Messina, F Archetti, C Manfredotti
Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms 9, 275-289, 2010
Parallel first-order markov chain for on-line anomaly detection in traffic video surveillance
F Archetti, CE Manfredotti, M Matteuci, V Messina, DG Sorrenti
IET Conference on Crime and Security, 582-587, 2006
Relations as context to improve multi-target tracking and activity recognition
C Manfredotti12, E Messina, D Fleet
Identifying control parameters in cheese fabrication process using precedence constraints
M Munch, PH Wuillemin, J Dibie, C Manfredotti, T Allard, S Buchin, ...
Discovery Science: 21st International Conference, DS 2018, Limassol, Cyprus …, 2018
Relational particle filtering
CE Manfredotti, DJ Fleet, HJ Hamilton, S Zilles
Monte Carlo Methods for Modern Applications, 2010 NIPS Workshop, Whistler, BC, 2010
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Articles 1–20