Christopher Foote
Christopher Foote
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Negative equity and foreclosure: Theory and evidence
CL Foote, K Gerardi, PS Willen
Journal of urban economics 64 (2), 234-245, 2008
Why did so many people make so many ex post bad decisions? The causes of the foreclosure crisis
CL Foote, KS Gerardi, PS Willen
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2012
Reducing foreclosures: No easy answers
C Foote, K Gerardi, L Goette, P Willen
NBER Macroeconomics Annual 24 (1), 89-138, 2010
Labor-market polarization over the business cycle
CL Foote, RW Ryan
NBER Macroeconomics Annual 29 (1), 371-413, 2015
Trend employment growth and the bunching of job creation and destruction
CL Foote
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 113 (3), 809-834, 1998
Economic policy and prospects in Iraq
C Foote, W Block, K Crane, S Gray
Journal of economic perspectives 18 (3), 47-70, 2004
Cross-sectional patterns of mortgage debt during the housing boom: evidence and implications
CL Foote, L Loewenstein, PS Willen
The Review of Economic Studies 88 (1), 229-259, 2021
The impact of legalized abortion on crime: Comment
CL Foote, CF Goetz
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 123 (1), 407-423, 2008
Just the facts: An initial analysis of subprime’s role in the housing crisis
CL Foote, K Gerardi, L Goette, PS Willen
Journal of Housing Economics 17 (4), 291-305, 2008
Subprime facts: What (we think) we know about the subprime crisis and what we don't
CL Foote, K Gerardi, L Goette, P Willen
FRB of Boston Public Policy Discussion Paper, 2008
Arbitraging a discriminatory labor market: black workers at the Ford Motor Company, 1918–1947
CL Foote, WC Whatley, G Wright
Journal of Labor Economics 21 (3), 493-532, 2003
Mortgage-default research and the recent foreclosure crisis
CL Foote, PS Willen
Annual Review of Financial Economics 10 (1), 59-100, 2018
Rising geographic disparities in US mortality
BK Couillard, CL Foote, K Gandhi, E Meara, J Skinner
Journal of Economic Perspectives 35 (4), 123-146, 2021
Space and time in macroeconomic panel data: young workers and state-level unemployment revisited
CL Foote
FRB of Boston Working Paper, 2007
Reducing foreclosures
CL Foote, KS Gerardi, L Goette, PS Willen
Public Policy Discussion Papers, 2009
Reasonable people did disagree: optimism and pessimism about the US housing market before the crash
KS Gerardi, CL Foote, PS Willen
Public Policy Discussion Paper, 2010
Testing economic hypotheses with state-level data: A comment on Donohue and Levitt
CL Foote, CF Goetz
FRB Boston Working Paper, 2005
Testing the (S, s) Model
C Foote, E Hurst, J Leahy
American Economic Review 90 (2), 116-119, 2000
Why Did So Many People Make So Many Ex Post Bad Decisions
CL Foote
The Causes of the Foreclosure Crisis, 2012
A proposal to help distressed homeowners: A government payment-sharing plan
CL Foote, JC Fuhrer, E Mauskopf, P Willen
FRB of Boston Public Policy Brief, 2009
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