Christiana Leonard
Christiana Leonard
Emeritus Professor of Neuroscience, University of Florida
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Central control of song in the canary, Serinus canarius
F Nottebohm, TM Stokes, CM Leonard
Journal of Comparative Neurology 165 (4), 457-486, 1976
Longitudinal mapping of cortical thickness and brain growth in normal children
ER Sowell, PM Thompson, CM Leonard, SE Welcome, E Kan, AW Toga
Journal of neuroscience 24 (38), 8223-8231, 2004
The prefrontal cortex of the rat. I. Cortical projection of the mediodorsal nucleus. II. Efferent connections
CM Leonard
Brain research 12 (2), 321-343, 1969
Connections of the median and dorsal raphe nuclei in the rat: an autoradiographic and degeneration study
LCA Conrad, CM Leonard, DW Pfaff
Journal of Comparative Neurology 156 (2), 179-205, 1974
Deficits in auditory temporal and spectral resolution in language-impaired children
BA Wright, LJ Lombardino, WM King, CS Puranik, CM Leonard, ...
Nature 387 (6629), 176-178, 1997
Ascending central gustatory pathways
R Norgren, CM Leonard
Journal of Comparative Neurology 150 (2), 217-237, 1973
Functional subdivisions of the temporal lobe neocortex
GC Baylis, ET Rolls, CM Leonard
Journal of Neuroscience 7 (2), 330-342, 1987
Anatomical correlates of dyslexia: frontal and cerebellar findings
MA Eckert, CM Leonard, TL Richards, EH Aylward, J Thomson, ...
Brain 126 (2), 482-494, 2003
Neurons in the amygdala of the monkey with responses selective for faces
CM Leonard, ET Rolls, FAW Wilson, GC Baylis
Behavioural brain research 15 (2), 159-176, 1985
The telencephalon, diencephalon, and mesencephalon of the canary, Serinus canaria, in stereotaxic coordinates
TM Stokes, CM Leonard, F Nottebohm
Journal of Comparative Neurology 156 (3), 337-374, 1974
A stereotaxic atlas of the albino mouse forebrain
BM Slotnick, CM Leonard
US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service …, 1975
Selectivity between faces in the responses of a population of neurons in the cortex in the superior temporal sulcus of the monkey
GC Baylis, ET Rolls, CM Leonard
Brain research 342 (1), 91-102, 1985
Anomalous cerebral structure in dyslexia revealed with magnetic resonance imaging
CM Leonard, KKS Voeller, LJ Lombardino, MK Morris, GW Hynd, ...
Archives of neurology 50 (5), 461-469, 1993
Taste pathways in rat brainstem
R Norgren, CM Leonard
Science 173 (4002), 1136-1139, 1971
Brain morphology in children with specific language impairment
LM Gauger, LJ Lombardino, CM Leonard
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 40 (6), 1272-1284, 1997
Anatomical risk factors for phonological dyslexia
CM Leonard, MA Eckert, LJ Lombardino, T Oakland, J Kranzler, CM Mohr, ...
Cerebral cortex 11 (2), 148-157, 2001
Morphologic cerebral asymmetries and handedness: The pars triangularis and planum temporale
AL Foundas, CM Leonard, KM Heilman
Archives of Neurology 52 (5), 501-508, 1995
Size matters: cerebral volume influences sex differences in neuroanatomy
CM Leonard, S Towler, S Welcome, LK Halderman, R Otto, MA Eckert, ...
Cerebral cortex 18 (12), 2920-2931, 2008
Planum temporale asymmetry and language dominance
AL Foundas, CM Leonard, R Gilmore, E Fennell, KM Heilman
Neuropsychologia 32 (10), 1225-1231, 1994
Image registration via level-set motion: Applications to atlas-based segmentation
BC Vemuri, J Ye, Y Chen, CM Leonard
Medical image analysis 7 (1), 1-20, 2003
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