Marcus Vinícius Vieira
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Cited by
Does the type of matrix matter? A quantitative review of the evidence
JA Prevedello, MV Vieira
Biodiversity and Conservation 19, 1205-1223, 2010
Land use vs. fragment size and isolation as determinants of small mammal composition and richness in Atlantic Forest remnants
MV Vieira, N Olifiers, AC Delciellos, VZ Antunes, LR Bernardo, ...
Biological Conservation 142 (6), 1191-1200, 2009
Support diameter, incline, and vertical movements of four didelphid marsupials in the Atlantic forest of Brazil
AA Cunha, MV Vieira
Journal of Zoology 258 (4), 419-426, 2002
Indirect effects of habitat loss via habitat fragmentation: A cross-taxa analysis of forest-dependent species
T Püttker, R Crouzeilles, M Almeida-Gomes, M Schmoeller, D Maurenza, ...
Biological Conservation 241, 108368, 2020
Population responses of small mammals to food supply and predators: a global meta‐analysis
JA Prevedello, CR Dickman, MV Vieira, EM Vieira
Journal of Animal Ecology 82 (5), 927-936, 2013
The Effects of Reproductive and Climatic Seasons on Movements in the Black-Eared Opossum (Didelphis aurita Wied-Neuwied, 1826)
D Loretto, MV Vieira
Journal of Mammalogy 86 (2), 287-293, 2005
Conectividade funcional ea importância da interação organismo-paisagem
G Forero-Medina, MV Vieira
Oecologia Brasiliensis 11 (4), 493-502, 2007
A device and standard variables to describe microhabitat structure of small mammals based on plant cover
SR Freitas, R Cerqueira, MV Vieira
Brazilian Journal of Biology 62, 795-800, 2002
Preliminary observations on habitat, support use and diet in two non-native primates in an urban Atlantic forest fragment: The capuchin monkey (Cebus sp.) and the common …
AA Cunha, MV Vieira, CEV Grelle
Urban Ecosystems 9, 351-359, 2006
How landscape patterns influence road-kill of three species of mammals in the Brazilian Savanna
SR de Freitas, AN de Oliveira, G Ciocheti, MV Vieira, DM da Silva Matos
Oecologia Australis 18, 2014
Movement behaviour within and beyond perceptual ranges in three small mammals: effects of matrix type and body mass
JA Prevedello, G Forero‐Medina, MV Vieira
Journal of Animal Ecology 79 (6), 1315-1323, 2010
Seasonal niche dynamics in coexisting rodents of the Brazilian Cerrado
MV Vieira
Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 38 (1), 7-15, 2003
A fragmentação dos ecossistemas e a biodiversidade brasileira: uma síntese
GR Colli, GM ACCACIO, Y Antonini, R Constantino, EV Franceschinelli, ...
Fragmentação de Ecossistemas: Causas, efeitos sobre a biodiversidade e …, 2003
Dynamics of a rodent assemblage in a cerrado of southeast Brazil
MV Vieira
Revista Brasileira de Biologia 57 (1), 99-107, 1997
NEOTROPICAL XENARTHRANS: a data set of occurrence of xenarthran species in the Neotropics
PM Santos, A Bocchiglieri, AG Chiarello, AP Paglia, A Moreira, ...
Ecology 100 (7), e02663, 2019
Indices of movement behaviour: conceptual background, effects of scale and location errors
PJAL Almeida, MV Vieira, M Kajin, G Forero-Medina, R Cerqueira
Zoologia (Curitiba) 27, 674-680, 2010
Classes de desenvolvimento em marsupiais: um método para animais vivos
J Macedo, D Loretto, MV Vieira, R Cerqueira
Mastozoología neotropical 13 (1), 133-136, 2006
Perception of a fragmented landscape by neotropical marsupials: effects of body mass and environmental variables
G Forero-Medina, MV Vieira
Journal of Tropical Ecology 25 (1), 53-62, 2009
Arboreal walking performance in seven didelphid marsupials as an aspect of their fundamental niche
AC Delciellos, MV Vieira
Austral Ecology 31 (4), 449-457, 2006
Habitat quality versus spatial variables as determinants of small mammal assemblages in Atlantic Forest fragments
AC Delciellos, MV Vieira, CEV Grelle, P Cobra, R Cerqueira
Journal of Mammalogy 97 (1), 253-265, 2016
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Articles 1–20