Kathryn E Sieving
Kathryn E Sieving
Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida
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An exploratory framework for the empirical measurement of resilience
GS Cumming, G Barnes, S Perz, M Schmink, KE Sieving, J Southworth, ...
Ecosystems 8, 975-987, 2005
An experimental test of matrix permeability and corridor use by an endemic understory bird
TD Castellón, KE Sieving
Conservation biology 20 (1), 135-145, 2006
Linking forest structure and composition: avian diversity in successional forests of Chiloé Island, Chile
IA Díaz, JJ Armesto, S Reid, KE Sieving, MF Willson
Biological conservation 123 (1), 91-101, 2005
Domestic dogs shape the landscape-scale distribution of a threatened forest ungulate
EA Silva-Rodríguez, KE Sieving
Biological Conservation 150 (1), 103-110, 2012
Habitat barriers to movement of understory birds in fragmented south-temperate rainforest
KE Sieving, MF Willson, TL De Santo
The Auk 113 (4), 944-949, 1996
Defining corridor functions for endemic birds in fragmented south‐temperate rainforest
KE Sieving, MF Willson, TL De Santo
Conservation Biology 14 (4), 1120-1132, 2000
Increased perception of predation risk to adults and offspring alters avian reproductive strategy and performance
F Hua, KE Sieving, RJ Fletcher Jr, CA Wright
Behavioral Ecology 25 (3), 509-519, 2014
Nest predation and differential insular extinction among selected forest birds of central Panama
KE Sieving
Ecology 73 (6), 2310-2328, 1992
Nest predation and avian species diversity in northwestern forest understory
KE Sieving, MF Willson
Ecology 79 (7), 2391-2402, 1998
Tropical forest fragmentation: synthesis of a diverse and dynamic discipline
WF Laurance, RO Bierregaard Jr, C Gascon, RK Didham, AP Smith, ...
Tropical forest remnants: ecology, management, and conservation of …, 1997
Influence of care of domestic carnivores on their predation on vertebrates
Conservation Biology 25 (4), 808-815, 2011
Epiphyte diversity and biomass loads of canopy emergent trees in Chilean temperate rain forests: A neglected functional component
IA Díaz, KE Sieving, ME Pena-Foxon, J Larraín, JJ Armesto
Forest ecology and management 259 (8), 1490-1501, 2010
Assessment of farmer attitudes and behavioral intentions toward bird conservation on organic and conventional Florida farms
SK Jacobson, KE Sieving, GA Jones, A Van Doorn
Conservation Biology 17 (2), 595-606, 2003
Patterns of predation risk and survival of bird nests in a Chilean agricultural landscape
MF Willson, JL Morrison, KE Sieving, TL De Santo, L Santisteban, I Díaz
Conservation Biology 15 (2), 447-456, 2001
When the birds go unheard: highway noise disrupts information transfer between bird species
AM Grade, KE Sieving
Biology letters 12 (4), 20160113, 2016
Avian extinction and persistence mechanisms in lowland Panama
KE Sieving, JR Karr
Tropical forest remnants: ecology, management, and conservation of …, 1997
Antipredator calls of tufted titmice and interspecific transfer of encoded threat information
SA Hetrick, KE Sieving
Behavioral Ecology 23 (1), 83-92, 2012
Mixed company: a framework for understanding the composition and organization of mixed‐species animal groups
E Goodale, H Sridhar, KE Sieving, P Bangal, GJ Colorado Z, DR Farine, ...
Biological Reviews 95 (4), 889-910, 2020
Eastern chipmunks increase their perception of predation risk in response to titmouse alarm calls
KA Schmidt, E Lee, RS Ostfeld, K Sieving
Behavioral Ecology 19 (4), 759-763, 2008
The versatility of graded acoustic measures in classification of predation threats by the tufted titmouse Baeolophus bicolor: exploring a mixed framework for threat …
KE Sieving, SA Hetrick, ML Avery
Oikos 119 (2), 264-276, 2010
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Articles 1–20