Thanos Tasakos
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Cited by
Hydrophobicity classification of composite insulators based on convolutional neural networks
CCA Kokalis, T Tasakos, VT Kontargyri, G Siolas, IF Gonos
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 91, 103613, 2020
Deep learning-based anomaly detection in nuclear reactor cores
T Tasakos, G Ioannou, V Verma, G Alexandridis, A Dokhane, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics & Computational …, 2021
Localizing perturbations in pressurized water reactors using one-dimensional deep convolutional neural networks
L Pantera, P Stulík, A Vidal-Ferrāndiz, A Carreņo, D Ginestar, G Ioannou, ...
Sensors 22 (1), 113, 2021
Feature extraction and identification techniques for the alignment of perturbation simulations with power plant measurements
G Ioannou, T Tasakos, A Mylonakis, G Alexandridis, C Demaziere, P Vinai, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics & Computational …, 2021
Hydrophobicity Classification of Composite Insulators Using Convolutional Neural Networks
CC Kokalis, T Tasakos, VT Kontargyri, G Siolas, IF Gonos, ...
CIGRE Science and Engineering, 2021
Quality Tests on Field Aged Composite Insulators of Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network
CCA Kokalis, VT Kontargyri, T Tasakos, IF Gonos
2020 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and …, 2020
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Articles 1–6