Matthias Raiber
Matthias Raiber
CSIRO Land and Water
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Three-dimensional geological modelling and multivariate statistical analysis of water chemistry data to analyse and visualise aquifer structure and groundwater composition in …
M Raiber, PA White, CJ Daughney, C Tschritter, P Davidson, ...
Journal of Hydrology 436, 13-34, 2012
Assessment of groundwater–surface water interaction using long-term hydrochemical data and isotope hydrology: Headwaters of the Condamine River, Southeast Queensland, Australia
JL Martinez, M Raiber, ME Cox
Science of the Total Environment 536, 499-516, 2015
Hydrochemical evolution and groundwater flow processes in the Galilee and Eromanga basins, Great Artesian Basin, Australia: a multivariate statistical approach
CE Moya, M Raiber, M Taulis, ME Cox
Science of the Total Environment 508, 411-426, 2015
Strontium isotopes as tracers to delineate aquifer interactions and the influence of rainfall in the basalt plains of southeastern Australia
M Raiber, JA Webb, DA Bennetts
Journal of hydrology 367 (3-4), 188-199, 2009
Use of hierarchical cluster analysis to assess the representativeness of a baseline groundwater quality monitoring network: comparison of New Zealand’s national and regional …
CJ Daughney, M Raiber, M Moreau-Fournier, U Morgenstern, R Raaij
Hydrogeology journal 20 (1), 185, 2012
Multivariate statistical analysis of hydrochemical data to assess alluvial aquifer-stream connectivity during drought and flood: Cressbrook Creek, southeast Queensland, Australia
AC King, M Raiber, ME Cox
Hydrogeology Journal 22 (2), 481, 2014
Using 3D geological modelling and geochemical mixing models to characterise alluvial aquifer recharge sources in the upper Condamine River catchment, Queensland, Australia
JL Martinez, M Raiber, DI Cendón
Science of the Total Environment 574, 1-18, 2017
Time series of tritium, stable isotopes and chloride reveal short-term variations in groundwater contribution to a stream
C Duvert, MK Stewart, DI Cendón, M Raiber
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20 (1), 257-277, 2016
Environmental isotopes meet 3D geological modelling: Conceptualising recharge and structurally-controlled aquifer connectivity in the basalt plains of south-western Victoria …
M Raiber, JA Webb, DI Cendón, PA White, GE Jacobsen
Journal of Hydrology 527, 262-280, 2015
Three-dimensional geological modelling of the Galilee and central Eromanga basins, Australia: New insights into aquifer/aquitard geometry and potential influence of faults on …
CE Moya, M Raiber, ME Cox
Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 2, 119-139, 2014
Groundwater Visualisation System (GVS): A software framework for integrated display and interrogation of conceptual hydrogeological models, data and time-series animation
ME Cox, A James, A Hawke, M Raiber
Journal of Hydrology 491, 56-72, 2013
Correlation and spectral analyses to assess the response of a shallow aquifer to low and high frequency rainfall fluctuations
C Duvert, H Jourde, M Raiber, ME Cox
Journal of Hydrology 527, 894-907, 2015
Seasonal and spatial variations in rare earth elements to identify inter-aquifer linkages and recharge processes in an Australian catchment
C Duvert, DI Cendón, M Raiber, JL Seidel, ME Cox
Chemical Geology 396, 83-97, 2015
Emulator-enabled approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) and uncertainty analysis for computationally expensive groundwater models
T Cui, L Peeters, D Pagendam, T Pickett, H Jin, RS Crosbie, M Raiber, ...
Journal of hydrology 564, 191-207, 2018
Relationships between major ions in coal seam gas groundwaters: Examples from the Surat and Clarence-Moreton basins
DDR Owen, M Raiber, ME Cox
International Journal of Coal Geology 137, 77-91, 2015
Using environmental isotopes and dissolved methane concentrations to constrain hydrochemical processes and inter-aquifer mixing in the Galilee and Eromanga Basins, Great …
CE Moya, M Raiber, M Taulis, ME Cox
Journal of Hydrology 539, 304-318, 2016
Comparison of groundwater recharge estimation techniques in an alluvial aquifer system with an intermittent/ephemeral stream (Queensland, Australia)
AC King, M Raiber, ME Cox, DI Cendón
Hydrogeology Journal 25 (6), 1759, 2017
Review of plausible chemical migration pathways in Australian coal seam gas basins
D Mallants, R Jeffrey, X Zhang, B Wu, J Kear, Z Chen, B Wu, E Bekele, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 195, 280-303, 2018
Identifying flood recharge and inter-aquifer connectivity using multiple isotopes in subtropical Australia
AC King, M Raiber, DI Cendón, ME Cox, SE Hollins
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (5), 2315-2335, 2015
Reconciling contradictory environmental tracer ages in multi-tracer studies to characterize the aquifer and quantify deep groundwater flow: an example from the Hutton Sandstone …
A Suckow, A Deslandes, M Raiber, AR Taylor, P Davies, C Gerber, ...
Hydrogeology Journal 28 (1), 75-87, 2020
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Articles 1–20