Francisco D. Freijedo (ORCID 0000-0001-5969-720X)
Francisco D. Freijedo (ORCID 0000-0001-5969-720X)
Power Electronics Control Expert at Huawei Technologies
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Cited by
Effects of discretization methods on the performance of resonant controllers
AG Yepes, FD Freijedo, J Doval-Gandoy, Ó López, J Malvar, ...
IEEE transactions on power electronics 25 (7), 1692-1712, 2010
Eliminating ground current in a transformerless photovoltaic application
O Lopez, FD Freijedo, AG Yepes, P Fernandez-Comesana, J Malvar, ...
IEEE transactions on energy conversion 25 (1), 140-147, 2010
Moving average filter based phase-locked loops: Performance analysis and design guidelines
S Golestan, M Ramezani, JM Guerrero, FD Freijedo, M Monfared
IEEE transactions on power electronics 29 (6), 2750-2763, 2013
Design-oriented study of advanced synchronous reference frame phase-locked loops
S Golestan, M Monfared, FD Freijedo
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 28 (2), 765-778, 2012
Analysis and design of resonant current controllers for voltage-source converters by means of Nyquist diagrams and sensitivity function
AG Yepes, FD Freijedo, O Lopez, J Doval-Gandoy
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 58 (11), 5231-5250, 2011
Dynamics assessment of advanced single-phase PLL structures
S Golestan, M Monfared, FD Freijedo, JM Guerrero
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 60 (6), 2167-2177, 2012
High-performance digital resonant controllers implemented with two integrators
AG Yepes, FD Freijedo, O López, J Doval-Gandoy
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 26 (2), 563-576, 2010
Multilevel multiphase space vector PWM algorithm
Ó López, J Álvarez, J Doval-Gandoy, FD Freijedo
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55 (5), 1933-1942, 2008
Tuning of phase-locked loops for power converters under distorted utility conditions
FD Freijedo, J Doval-Gandoy, O Lopez, E Acha
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 45 (6), 2039-2047, 2009
Design and tuning of a modified power-based PLL for single-phase grid-connected power conditioning systems
S Golestan, M Monfared, FD Freijedo, JM Guerrero
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 27 (8), 3639-3650, 2012
Assessment and optimization of the transient response of proportional-resonant current controllers for distributed power generation systems
A Vidal, FD Freijedo, AG Yepes, P Fernandez-Comesana, J Malvar, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (4), 1367-1383, 2012
Leakage current evaluation of a singlephase transformerless PV inverter connected to the grid
O Lopez, R Teodorescu, F Freijedo, J DovalGandoy
APEC 07-Twenty-Second Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and …, 2007
Comparison of the FPGA implementation of two multilevel space vector PWM algorithms
Ó López, J Alvarez, J Doval-Gandoy, FD Freijedo, A Nogueiras, A Lago, ...
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 55 (4), 1537-1547, 2008
A signal-processing adaptive algorithm for selective current harmonic cancellation in active power filters
FD Freijedo, JÚ Doval-Gandoy, O Lopez, P Fernandez-Comesana, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 56 (8), 2829-2840, 2009
Performance improvement of a prefiltered synchronous-reference-frame PLL by using a PID-type loop filter
S Golestan, M Monfared, FD Freijedo, JM Guerrero
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 61 (7), 3469-3479, 2013
Advantages and challenges of a type-3 PLL
S Golestan, M Monfared, FD Freijedo, JM Guerrero
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 28 (11), 4985-4997, 2013
An efficient implementation of generalized delayed signal cancellation PLL
S Golestan, FD Freijedo, A Vidal, AG Yepes, JM Guerrero, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (2), 1085-1094, 2015
Inducverters: PLL-less converters with auto-synchronization and emulated inertia capability
M Ashabani, FD Freijedo, S Golestan, JM Guerrero
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7 (3), 1660-1674, 2015
A generic open-loop algorithm for three-phase grid voltage/current synchronization with particular reference to phase, frequency, and amplitude estimation
FD Freijedo, J Doval-Gandoy, Ó LÓpez, E Acha
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 24 (1), 94-107, 2009
A quasi-type-1 phase-locked loop structure
S Golestan, FD Freijedo, A Vidal, JM Guerrero, J Doval-Gandoy
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 29 (12), 6264-6270, 2014
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Articles 1–20