Questioning REDD+ and the future of market-based conservation R Fletcher, W Dressler, B Büscher, ZR Anderson Conservation Biology 30 (3), 673-675, 2016 | 256 | 2016 |
Green growth rhetoric versus reality: Insights from Indonesia ZR Anderson, K Kusters, J McCarthy, K Obidzinski Global Environmental Change 38, 30-40, 2016 | 131 | 2016 |
Natural capital must be defended: green growth as neoliberal biopolitics R Fletcher, WH Dressler, ZR Anderson, B Büscher The Journal of Peasant Studies 46 (5), 1068-1095, 2019 | 119 | 2019 |
Navigating Complex Trade-offs in Conservation and Development : an Integrative Framework. PD Hirsch, JP Brosius, SO Connor, A Zia, M Welch-Devine, JL Dammert, ... Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies 31, 99-122, 2013 | 83 | 2013 |
Debating REDD+ and its implications: reply to Angelsen et al. R Fletcher, W Dressler, B Büscher, ZR Anderson Conservation Biology 31 (3), 721-723, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |
Assembling the 'Field': Conducting Research in Indonesia's Emerging Green Economy ZR Anderson Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies 9 (1), 173-179, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
Growing the Economy: Oil palm and green growth in East Kalimantan, Indonesia ZR Anderson, K Kusters, K Obidzinski, J McCarthy Land grabbing, conflict and agrarian‐environmental transformations …, 2015 | 8 | 2015 |
An analysis of conservation and development trade-offs at the Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam ZR Anderson, PD Hirsch, TO McShane Evidence-based Conservation, 309, 2013 | 7 | 2013 |
Reducing green house gas emissions from oil palm in Indonesia: Lessons from East Kalimantan ZR Anderson, K Kusters, K Obidzinski CIFOR, 2015 | | 2015 |
Integrating Problem Formulation in Tools, Methods and Approaches for Articulating Trade-offs in Conservation and Development: The case of Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam ZR Anderson, P Hirsch, S O’Connor, T Sunderland | | 2010 |