Sudhir K Pathak
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Cited by
Identifying the brain's most globally connected regions
MW Cole, S Pathak, W Schneider
Neuroimage 49 (4), 3132-3148, 2010
Subcomponents and connectivity of the superior longitudinal fasciculus in the human brain
X Wang, S Pathak, L Stefaneanu, FC Yeh, S Li, JC Fernandez-Miranda
Brain Structure and Function 221, 2075-2092, 2016
High-definition fiber tractography of the human brain: neuroanatomical validation and neurosurgical applications
JC Fernandez-Miranda, S Pathak, J Engh, K Jarbo, T Verstynen, FC Yeh, ...
Neurosurgery 71 (2), 430-453, 2012
Asymmetry, connectivity, and segmentation of the arcuate fascicle in the human brain
JC Fernández-Miranda, Y Wang, S Pathak, L Stefaneau, T Verstynen, ...
Brain Structure and Function 220, 1665-1680, 2015
Advanced diffusion MRI fiber tracking in neurosurgical and neurodegenerative disorders and neuroanatomical studies: a review
K Abhinav, FC Yeh, S Pathak, V Suski, D Lacomis, RM Friedlander, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Basis of Disease 1842 (11 …, 2014
Rethinking the role of the middle longitudinal fascicle in language and auditory pathways
Y Wang, JC Fernández-Miranda, T Verstynen, S Pathak, W Schneider, ...
Cerebral cortex 23 (10), 2347-2356, 2013
Connectome 2.0: Developing the next-generation ultra-high gradient strength human MRI scanner for bridging studies of the micro-, meso-and macro-connectome
SY Huang, T Witzel, B Keil, A Scholz, M Davids, P Dietz, E Rummert, ...
NeuroImage 243, 118530, 2021
KNN classifier based approach for multi-class sentiment analysis of twitter data
S Hota, S Pathak
Int. J. Eng. Technol 7 (3), 1372-1375, 2018
In vivo mapping of microstructural somatotopies in the human corticospinal pathways
T Verstynen, K Jarbo, S Pathak, W Schneider
Journal of neurophysiology 105 (1), 336-346, 2011
Visualization of cranial nerves using high-definition fiber tractography
M Yoshino, K Abhinav, FC Yeh, S Panesar, D Fernandes, S Pathak, ...
Neurosurgery 79 (1), 146-165, 2016
High-definition fiber tracking guidance for intraparenchymal endoscopic port surgery
JC Fernandez-Miranda, JA Engh, SK Pathak, R Madhok, FE Boada, ...
Journal of neurosurgery 113 (5), 990-999, 2010
High-definition fiber tracking for assessment of neurological deficit in a case of traumatic brain injury: finding, visualizing, and interpreting small sites of damage: Case report
SS Shin, T Verstynen, S Pathak, K Jarbo, AJ Hricik, M Maserati, SR Beers, ...
Journal of neurosurgery 116 (5), 1062-1069, 2012
A diffusion spectrum imaging-based tractographic study into the anatomical subdivision and cortical connectivity of the ventral external capsule: uncinate and inferior fronto …
SS Panesar, FC Yeh, CP Deibert, D Fernandes-Cabral, V Rowthu, ...
Neuroradiology 59, 971-987, 2017
Magnetoencephalography-based identification of functional connectivity network disruption following mild traumatic brain injury
A Alhourani, TA Wozny, D Krishnaswamy, S Pathak, SA Walls, ...
Journal of neurophysiology 116 (4), 1840-1847, 2016
Longitudinal evaluation of corticospinal tract in patients with resected brainstem cavernous malformations using high-definition fiber tractography and diffusion connectometry …
AH Faraji, K Abhinav, K Jarbo, FC Yeh, SS Shin, S Pathak, BE Hirsch, ...
Journal of neurosurgery 123 (5), 1133-1144, 2015
Detection of white matter injury in concussion using high-definition fiber tractography
SS Shin, S Pathak, N Presson, W Bird, L Wagener, W Schneider, ...
Concussion 28, 86-93, 2014
Deep learning estimation of multi-tissue constrained spherical deconvolution with limited single shell DW-MRI
V Nath, SK Pathak, KG Schilling, W Schneider, BA Landman
Medical Imaging 2020: Image Processing 11313, 162-171, 2020
Hollow polypropylene yarns as a biomimetic brain phantom for the validation of high-definition fiber tractography imaging
C Guise, MM Fernandes, JM Nobrega, S Pathak, W Schneider, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 8 (44), 29960-29967, 2016
Application of high-definition fiber tractography in the management of supratentorial cavernous malformations: a combined qualitative and quantitative approach
K Abhinav, S Pathak, RM Richardson, J Engh, P Gardner, FC Yeh, ...
Neurosurgery 74 (6), 668-681, 2014
Co-analysis of brain structure and function using fMRI and diffusion-weighted imaging
JS Phillips, AS Greenberg, JA Pyles, SK Pathak, M Behrmann, ...
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 4125, 2012
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Articles 1–20