David Dorchies
David Dorchies
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Cited by
airGR: suite of GR hydrological models for precipitation-runoff modelling. R package version 1.6. 12
L Coron, O Delaigue, G Thirel, D Dorchies, C Perrin, C Michel
Optimal operation of the multireservoir system in the seine river basin using deterministic and ensemble forecasts
A Ficchì, L Raso, D Dorchies, F Pianosi, PO Malaterre, PJ Van Overloop, ...
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 142 (1), 05015005, 2016
Flatness-based control of open-channel flow in an irrigation canal using scada [applications of control]
T Rabbani, S Munier, D Dorchies, PO Malaterre, A Bayen, X Litrico
IEEE Control Systems Magazine 29 (5), 22-30, 2009
Climate change impacts on multi-objective reservoir management: case study on the Seine River basin, France
D Dorchies, G Thirel, M Jay-Allemand, M Chauveau, F Dehay, PY Bourgin, ...
International Journal of River Basin Management 12 (3), 265-283, 2014
airGR: suite of GR hydrological models for precipitation-runoff modelling. R package version 1.7. 4
L Coron, O Delaigue, G Thirel, D Dorchies, C Perrin, C Michel
Optimal and centralized reservoir management for drought and flood protection on the Upper Seine–Aube river system using stochastic dual dynamic programming
L Raso, M Chiavico, D Dorchies
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 145 (3), 05019002, 2019
Sewer asset management: assessing criteria for a multicriteria decision support on a county level data base
C Werey, D Dorchies, I Mellac Beck
Joint int. conf. on Computing and decision making in civil and building …, 2006
Climate change impacts on water resources and reservoir management in the Seine river basin (France)
D Dorchies, G Thirel, C Perrin, JC Bader, R Thepot, JL Rizzoli, C Jost, ...
La Houille Blanche, 32-37, 2016
Automatic tuning of robust PI controllers for a cascade of rivers or irrigation canals pools
PO Malaterre, D Dorchies, JP Baume
2014 European Control Conference (ECC), 2780-2785, 2014
Simulation study on the influence of roughness on the downstream automatic control of an irrigation canal
D Lozano, D Dorchies, G Belaud, X Litrico, L Mateos
Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering 138 (4), 285-293, 2012
Etude de l'applicabilité de l'outil d'aide à la décision RERAU pour la réhabilitation des réseaux d'assainissement sur l'inventaire du département du Bas-Rhin
D Dorchies
Mémoire de fin d’études, ENGEES Strasbourg, UMR Gestion des Services Publics, 2005
Hydraulic management of coastal freshwater marsh to conciliate local water needs and fish passage
L Guiot, L Cassan, D Dorchies, P Sagnes, G Belaud
Journal of Ecohydraulics 8 (1), 51-70, 2023
Simulation and integration of control for canals software (sic 2), for the design and verification of manual or automatic controllers for irrigation canals
PO Malaterre, JP Baume, D Dorchies
USCID conference on planning, operation and automation of irrigation …, 2014
Vers une plus grande flexibilité temporelle du modèle opérationnel de prévision des crues GRP
J Viatgé, T Pinna, A Ficchì, C Perrin, D Dorchies, L Garandeau, F Tilmant
La Houille Blanche 105 (2), 72-80, 2019
SIC-2, un logiciel pour la gestion des canaux, rivières et fleuves
D Dorchies, JP Baume, PO Malaterre
Sciences Eaux & Territoires pour tous, 48-49, 2013
A centralized real time controller for reservoirs management on the Seine river using ensemble weather forecasting
A Ficchi
Politecnico di Milano, 2012
Short term reservoirs operation on the Seine River: performance analysis of Tree-Based Model Predictive Control
A Ficchi, L Raso, PO Malaterre, D Dorchies, M Jay-Allemand, F Pianosi, ...
Gestion patrimoniale des réseaux d’assainissement: étude d’applicabilité de l’outil d’aide à la décision RERAU pour la réhabilitation des réseaux En 2003, le conseil général du …
D Dorchies
Cet inventaire a permis le recueil de données sur la conduite (matériau …, 2005
Optimist: A python library for water system optimal operation and analysis using SDDP
L Raso, D Dorchies, J Kwakkel, PO Malaterre
La modernisation des canaux d’irrigation: apports de l’automatisation pour la gestion opérationnelle
PO Malaterre, D Dorchies, JP Baume
Sciences Eaux & Territoires pour tous, 44-47, 2013
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Articles 1–20