Eric I Paling
Eric I Paling
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Global analysis of seagrass restoration: the importance of large‐scale planting
MM van Katwijk, A Thorhaug, N Marbā, RJ Orth, CM Duarte, GA Kendrick, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (2), 567-578, 2016
Arsenic removal from contaminated water by natural iron ores
W Zhang, P Singh, E Paling, S Delides
Minerals engineering 17 (4), 517-524, 2004
Seagrass restoration
EI Paling, M Fonseca, MM van Katwijk, M van Keulen
Coastal wetlands: an integrated ecosystem approach, 687-713, 2009
Nitrogen uptake and allocation in the seagrass Amphibolis antarctica
MF Pedersen, EI Paling, DI Walker
Aquatic botany 56 (2), 105-117, 1997
Mechanical seagrass transplantation in Western Australia
EI Paling, M van Keulen, K Wheeler, J Phillips, R Dyhrberg
Ecological Engineering 16 (3), 331-339, 2001
Assessing the extent of mangrove change caused by Cyclone Vance in the eastern Exmouth Gulf, northwestern Australia
EI Paling, HT Kobryn, G Humphreys
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 77 (4), 603-613, 2008
Effect of planting unit size and sediment stabilization on seagrass transplants in Western Australia
M Van Keulen, EI Paling, CJ Walker
Restoration Ecology 11 (1), 50-55, 2003
Differential responses to salinity help explain the replacement of native Juncus kraussii by Typha orientalis in Western Australian salt marshes
JB Zedler, E Paling, A McComb
Australian Journal of Ecology 15 (1), 57-72, 1990
Influence of spacing on mechanically transplanted seagrass survival in a high wave energy regime
EI Paling, M Van Keulen, KD Wheeler, J Phillips, R Dyhrberg
Restoration Ecology 11 (1), 56-61, 2003
Vegetative and reproductive phenologies of four mangrove species from northern Australia
GT Coupland, EI Paling, KA McGuinness
Australian Journal of Botany 53 (2), 109-117, 2005
Floral abortion and pollination in four species of tropical mangroves from northern Australia
GT Coupland, EI Paling, KA McGuinness
Aquatic Botany 84 (2), 151-157, 2006
Evaluating vegetative transplant success in Posidonia australis: a field trial with habitat enhancement
ML Campbell, EI Paling
Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 (7), 828-834, 2003
Improving mechanical seagrass transplantation
EI Paling, M van Keulen, KD Wheeler, J Phillips, R Dyhrberg, DA Lord
Ecological Engineering 18 (1), 107-113, 2001
Autumn biomass, below-ground productivity, rhizome growth at bed edge and nitrogen content in seagrasses from Western Australia
EI Paling, AJ McComb
Aquatic Botany 67 (3), 207-219, 2000
Life history notes of the critically endangered dwarf sawfish, Pristis clavata, Garman 1906 from the Kimberley region of Western Australia
DC Thorburn, DL Morgan, AJ Rowland, HS Gill, E Paling
Environmental Biology of Fishes 83, 139-145, 2008
Seagrass Transplanting in Cockburn Sound, Western Australia: A Comparison of Manual Transplantation Methodology Using Posidonia sinuosa Cambridge et Kuo
EI Paling, M Van Keulen, DJ Tunbridge
Restoration Ecology 15 (2), 240-249, 2007
Review of Australian rehabilitation and restoration programs
D Lord, E Paling, D Gordon
Seagrass in Australia: Strategic Review and Development of an R & D Plan, 65-115, 1999
The effects of iron ore dust on mangroves in Western Australia: lack of evidence for stomatal damage
EI Paling, G Humphries, I McCardle, G Thomson
Wetlands Ecology and Management 9, 363-370, 2001
Nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) in nonheterocystous cyanobacterial mats from the Dampier Archipelago, Western Australia
EI Paling, AJ McComb, JS Pate
Marine and Freshwater Research 40 (2), 147-153, 1989
Preparation, characterization and As (V) adsorption behaviour of CNT-ferrihydrite composites
GEJ Poinern, D Parsonage, TB Issa, MK Ghosh, E Paling, P Singh
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology 2 (8), 2010
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