Peter L. Meserve
Peter L. Meserve
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Extreme climatic events shape arid and semiarid ecosystems
M Holmgren, P Stapp, CR Dickman, C Gracia, S Graham, JR Gutiérrez, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4 (2), 87-95, 2006
BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene
M Dornelas, LH Antao, F Moyes, AE Bates, AE Magurran, D Adam, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 27 (7), 760-786, 2018
Thirteen years of shifting top-down and bottom-up control
PL Meserve, DA Kelt, WB Milstead, JR Gutiérrez
BioScience 53 (7), 633-646, 2003
A long-term study of vertebrate predator responses to an El Nino (ENSO) disturbance in western South America
FM Jaksic, SI Silva, PL Meserve, JR Gutierrez
Oikos, 341-354, 1997
Trophic relationships among small mammals in a Chilean semiarid thorn scrub community
PL Meserve
Journal of Mammalogy 62 (2), 304-314, 1981
Population dynamics of two sympatric rodents in a variable environment: rainfall, resource availability, and predation
MA Previtali, M Lima, PL Meserve, DA Kelt, JR Gutiérrez
Ecology 90 (7), 1996-2006, 2009
Effects of predation risk on space use by small mammals: a field experiment with a Neotropical rodent
VO Lagos, LC Contreras, PL Meserve, JR Gutiérrez, FM Jaksic
Oikos, 259-264, 1995
Heterogeneous responses of small mammals to an El Nino Southern Oscillation event in northcentral semiarid Chile and the importance of ecological scale
PL Meserve, JA Yunger, JR Gutiérrez, LC Contreras, WB Milstead, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 76 (2), 580-595, 1995
Spatial distribution of soil nutrients and ephemeral plants underneath and outside the canopy of Porlieria chilensis shrubs (Zygophyllaceae) in arid coastal Chile
JR Gutiérrez, PL Meserve, LC Contreas, H Vásquez, FM Jaksic
Oecologia 95, 347-352, 1993
Distribution and abundance of small mammals along an elevational transect in temperate rainforests of Chile
BD Patterson, PL Meserve, BK Lang
Journal of Mammalogy 70 (1), 67-78, 1989
Assessing the impact of competition on community assembly: a case study using small mammals
DA Kelt, ML Taper, PL Meserve
Ecology 76 (4), 1283-1296, 1995
Geographical ecology of small mammals in the northern Chilean arid zone
PL Meserve, WE Glanz
Journal of Biogeography, 135-148, 1978
Trophic relationships of small mammals in a Chilean temperate rainforest
PL Meserve, BK Lang, BD Patterson
Journal of Mammalogy 69 (4), 721-730, 1988
Population ecology of Oryzomys longicaudatus philippii (Rodentia: Cricetidae) in southern Chile
R Murúa, LA González, PL Meserve
The Journal of Animal Ecology, 281-293, 1986
Extreme climatic events change the dynamics and invasibility of semi‐arid annual plant communities
MA Jiménez, FM Jaksic, JJ Armesto, A Gaxiola, PL Meserve, DA Kelt, ...
Ecology letters 14 (12), 1227-1235, 2011
Resource patitioning in a Chilean semi-arid small mammal community
PL Meserve
The Journal of Animal Ecology, 745-757, 1981
Effects of small mammals and vertebrate predators on vegetation in the Chilean semiarid zone
JR Gutiérrez, PL Meserve, S Herrera, LC Contreras, FM Jaksic
Oecologia 109, 398-406, 1997
Food relationships of a rodent fauna in a California coastal sage scrub community
PL Meserve
Journal of Mammalogy 57 (2), 300-319, 1976
Variation in soil micro-organisms and nutrients underneath and outside the canopy of Adesmia bedwellii (Papilionaceae) shrubs in arid coastal Chile following drought and above …
LE Aguilera, JR Gutiérrez, PL Meserve
Journal of Arid Environments 42 (1), 61-70, 1999
Role of biotic interactions in a small mammal assemblage in semiarid Chile
PL Meserve, JR Gutiérrez, JA Yunger, LC Contreras, FM Jaksic
Ecology 77 (1), 133-148, 1996
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Articles 1–20