Silvia Matesanz
Silvia Matesanz
Associate Professor (URJC)
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The effects of phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation on forecasts of species range shifts under climate change
F Valladares, S Matesanz, F Guilhaumon, MB Araújo, L Balaguer, ...
Ecology letters 17 (11), 1351-1364, 2014
Biodiversity differences between managed and unmanaged forests: Meta‐analysis of species richness in Europe
Y Paillet, L Bergčs, J Hjältén, P Ódor, C Avon, M Bernhardt‐Römermann, ...
Conservation biology 24 (1), 101-112, 2010
Global change and the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in plants
S Matesanz, E Gianoli, F Valladares
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1206 (1), 35-55, 2010
Do we underestimate the importance of leaf size in plant economics? Disproportional scaling of support costs within the spectrum of leaf physiognomy
Ü Niinemets, A Portsmuth, D Tena, M Tobias, S Matesanz, F Valladares
Annals of Botany 100 (2), 283-303, 2007
Ecological and evolutionary responses of Mediterranean plants to global change
S Matesanz, F Valladares
Environmental and Experimental botany 103, 53-67, 2014
Environmental heterogeneity leads to higher plasticity in dry‐edge populations of a semi‐arid Chilean shrub: insights into climate change responses
A Lázaro‐Nogal, S Matesanz, A Godoy, F Pérez‐Trautman, E Gianoli, ...
Journal of ecology 103 (2), 338-350, 2015
Cross-realm assessment of climate change impacts on species’ abundance trends
DE Bowler, C Hof, P Haase, I Kröncke, O Schweiger, R Adrian, L Baert, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 1 (3), 0067, 2017
Is shade beneficial for Mediterranean shrubs experiencing periods of extreme drought and late-winter frosts?
F Valladares, J Zaragoza-Castells, D Sánchez-Gómez, S Matesanz, ...
Annals of Botany 102 (6), 923-933, 2008
Phenotypic plasticity and population differentiation in an ongoing species invasion
S Matesanz, T Horgan-Kobelski, SE Sultan
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e44955, 2012
Early dynamics of plant communities on revegetated motorway slopes from southern Spain: is hydroseeding always needed?
S Matesanz, F Valladares, D Tena, M Costa‐Tenorio, D Bote
Restoration Ecology 14 (2), 297-307, 2006
Impact of three global change drivers on a Mediterranean shrub
S Matesanz, A Escudero, F Valladares
Ecology 90 (9), 2609-2621, 2009
Competition may explain the fine‐scale spatial patterns and genetic structure of two co‐occurring plant congeners
S Matesanz, TE Gimeno, M de la Cruz, A Escudero, F Valladares
Journal of Ecology 99 (3), 838-848, 2011
Growing larger with domestication: a matter of physiology, morphology or allocation?
R Milla, S Matesanz
Plant Biology 19 (3), 475-483, 2017
Climate‐dependent variations in leaf respiration in a dry‐land, low productivity Mediterranean forest: the importance of acclimation in both high‐light and shaded habitats
J Zaragoza‐Castells, D Sánchez‐Gómez, IP Hartley, S Matesanz, ...
Functional Ecology 22 (1), 172-184, 2008
A cross-taxon analysis of the impact of climate change on abundance trends in central Europe
DE Bowler, P Haase, I Kröncke, O Tackenberg, HG Bauer, C Brendel, ...
Biological Conservation 187, 41-50, 2015
A review and meta‐analysis of intraspecific differences in phenotypic plasticity: implications to forecast plant responses to climate change
S Matesanz, JA Ramírez‐Valiente
Global Ecology and Biogeography 28 (11), 1682-1694, 2019
The role of root community attributes in predicting soil fungal and bacterial community patterns
J López‐Angulo, M De la Cruz, J Chacón‐Labella, A Illuminati, ...
New Phytologist 228 (3), 1070-1082, 2020
Differential plasticity to water and nutrients between crops and their wild progenitors
S Matesanz, R Milla
Environmental and Experimental Botany 145, 54-63, 2018
Improving revegetation of gypsum slopes is not a simple matter of adding native species: Insights from a multispecies experiment
S Matesanz, F Valladares
Ecological Engineering 30 (1), 67-77, 2007
Phenotypic integration does not constrain phenotypic plasticity: differential plasticity of traits is associated to their integration across environments
S Matesanz, M Blanco‐Sánchez, M Ramos‐Muńoz, M de la Cruz, ...
New Phytologist 231 (6), 2359-2370, 2021
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Articles 1–20