Thanos Tagaris
Thanos Tagaris
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Deep neural architectures for prediction in healthcare
D Kollias, A Tagaris, A Stafylopatis, S Kollias, G Tagaris
Complex & Intelligent Systems 4, 119-131, 2018
Machine learning for neurodegenerative disorder diagnosis—survey of practices and launch of benchmark dataset
A Tagaris, D Kollias, A Stafylopatis, G Tagaris, S Kollias
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 27 (03), 1850011, 2018
Adaptation and contextualization of deep neural network models
D Kollias, M Yu, A Tagaris, G Leontidis, A Stafylopatis, S Kollias
2017 IEEE symposium series on computational intelligence (SSCI), 1-8, 2017
Assessment of parkinson’s disease based on deep neural networks
A Tagaris, D Kollias, A Stafylopatis
Engineering Applications of Neural Networks: 18th International Conference …, 2017
Generative Adversarial Networks as an Advanced Data Augmentation Technique for MRI Data.
F Konidaris, T Tagaris, M Sdraka, A Stafylopatis
VISIGRAPP (5: VISAPP), 48-59, 2019
On line emotion detection using retrainable deep neural networks
D Kollias, A Tagaris, A Stafylopatis
2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 1-8, 2016
From free-text user reviews to product recommendation using paragraph vectors and matrix factorization
G Alexandridis, T Tagaris, G Siolas, A Stafylopatis
Companion Proceedings of The 2019 World Wide Web Conference, 335-343, 2019
Intelligent techniques for anomaly detection in nuclear reactors
G Ioannou, T Tagaris, G Alexandridis, A Stafylopatis
EPJ web of conferences 247, 21011, 2021
High-resolution class activation mapping
T Tagaris, M Sdraka, A Stafylopatis
2019 IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP), 4514-4518, 2019
Putting together wavelet-based scaleograms and convolutional neural networks for anomaly detection in nuclear reactors
T Tagaris, G Ioannou, M Sdraka, G Alexandridis, A Stafylopatis
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advances in Artificial …, 2019
Adalip: An adaptive learning rate method per layer for stochastic optimization
G Ioannou, T Tagaris, A Stafylopatis
Neural Processing Letters 55 (5), 6311-6338, 2023
Multi-task learning for predicting Parkinson's disease based on medical imaging information
A Vlachostergiou, A Tagaris, A Stafylopatis, S Kollias
2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2052-2056, 2018
Hide-and-seek: A template for explainable AI
T Tagaris, A Stafylopatis
arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.00130, 2020
Investigating the Best Performing Task Conditions of a Multi-Tasking Learning Model in Healthcare Using Convolutional Neural Networks: Evidence from a Parkinson'S Disease Database
A Vlachostergiou, A Tagaris, A Stafylopatis, S Kollias
2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2047-2051, 2018
Visual interpretability analysis of deep CNNs using an adaptive threshold method on diabetic retinopathy images
G Ioannou, T Papagiannis, T Tagaris, G Alexandridis, A Stafylopatis
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, 480-486, 2021
Andreas Stafylopatis και Stefanos Kollias
D Kollias, M Yu, A Tagaris, G Leontidis
Adaptation and contextualization of deep neural network models. 2017 IEEE …, 0
Improving the convergence speed of deep neural networks with biased sampling
G Ioannou, T Tagaris, A Stafylopatis
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advances in Artificial …, 2019
Advancing the terminological classification of semi-structured documents
G Stratogiannis, G Siolas, G Stamou, A Stafylopatis, A Chortaras, ...
2015 IEEE 27th international conference on tools with artificial …, 2015
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Articles 1–18