Accelerating loss of seagrasses across the globe threatens coastal ecosystems M Waycott, CM Duarte, TJB Carruthers, RJ Orth, WC Dennison, S Olyarnik, ... Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 106 (30), 12377-12381, 2009 | 4543 | 2009 |
A guide to tropical seagrasses of the Indo-West Pacific M Waycott, K McMahon, J Mellors, A Calladine, D Kleine James Cook University, 2004 | 308 | 2004 |
Evolutionary trends in the seagrass genus Halophila (Thouars): insights from molecular phylogeny M Waycott, DW Freshwater, RA York, A Calladine, WJ Kenworthy Bulletin of Marine Science 71 (3), 1299-1308, 2002 | 107 | 2002 |
Phylogenomics and the rise of the angiosperms AR Zuntini, T Carruthers, O Maurin, PC Bailey, K Leempoel, GE Brewer, ... Nature, 1-8, 2024 | 93 | 2024 |
Radiation of the Australian Salicornioideae (Chenopodiaceae)—based on evidence from nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences KA Shepherd, M Waycott, A Calladine American Journal of Botany 91 (9), 1387-1397, 2004 | 75 | 2004 |
High connectivity across environmental gradients and implications for phenotypic plasticity in a marine plant E Bricker, M Waycott, A Calladine, JC Zieman Marine Ecology Progress Series 423, 57-67, 2011 | 50 | 2011 |
Haustorial structure and functioning of the root hemiparastic tree Nuytsia floribunda (Labill.) R. Br. and water relationships with its hosts A Calladine, JS Pate Annals of Botany 85 (6), 723-731, 2000 | 41 | 2000 |
Mega clonality in an aquatic plant—a potential survival strategy in a changing environment E Bricker, A Calladine, R Virnstein, M Waycott Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 435, 2018 | 34 | 2018 |
Haustorial development and growth benefit to seedlings of the root hemiparasitic tree Nuytsia floribunda (Labill.) R. Br. in association with various hosts A Calladine, JS Pate, KW Dixon Annals of Botany 85 (6), 733-740, 2000 | 31 | 2000 |
Genetic diversity and gene flow in Zostera marina populations surrounding Long Island, New York, USA: No evidence of inbreeding, genetic degradation or population isolation BJ Peterson, E Bricker, SJ Brisbin, BT Furman, AD Stubler, JM Carroll, ... Aquatic botany 110, 61-66, 2013 | 26 | 2013 |
Genomics-Based Phylogenetic and Population Genetic Analysis of Global Samples Confirms Halophila johnsonii Eiseman as Halophila ovalis (R.Br.) Hook.f. M Waycott, K van Dijk, A Calladine, E Bricker, E Biffin Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 740958, 2021 | 13 | 2021 |
Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in Santalum lanceolatum and Santalum leptocladum (Santalaceae) BL Jones, M Waycott, HLA Robson, A Calladine, T Page American Journal of Botany 97 (10), e97-e98, 2010 | 10 | 2010 |
Distribution and seasonality of the Ruppia dominated aquatic macrophyte community and filamentous algae in the southern Coorong R Lewis, M Waycott, EJ O’Loughlin, C Urgl, KJ van Dijk, A Calladine, ... Goyder Institute for Water Research Technical Report Series, 2022 | 5 | 2022 |
Microsatellite markers in the Australian desert plant, Solanum centrale (Solanaceae) M Waycott, BL Jones, JK Van Dijk, HLA Robson, A Calladine American Journal of Botany 98 (4), e81-e83, 2011 | 5 | 2011 |
Growth, phenology, nutrient responses and ecological limits of the Ruppia Community and associated filamentous algal blooms of the southern Coorong M Waycott, R Lewis, E O’Loughlin, KJ van Dijk, A Calladine, C Collier, ... Goyder Institute for Water Research Technical Report Series, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Coorong nutrients, aquatic plants and algae investigations 2022–2023 A Calladine, K van Dijk, R Hankinson-Elder, E Leyden | | 2023 |
Systematics 2017—Integrating Systematics for Conservation and Ecology, Proceedings of the Australasian Systematic Botany Society & Society of Australian Systematic Biologists … A Calladine, J Kellermann (eds) Swainsona (Supplement) 5, 1–126, 2017 | | 2017 |
Systematic Botany—a view from the Centre; Proceedings of the Australasian Systematic Botany Society Conference A Calladine (ed) Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens Supplement 4, 1–52, 2016 | | 2016 |
Building a south Australian database of biological life histories and disturbance responses D Bickerton, M Waycott, A Calladine, R Urban Australasian Plant Conservation: Journal of the Australian Network for Plant …, 2013 | | 2013 |
Proceedings of Seagrass 2004 and the International Seagrass Biology Workshop (ISBW6) 24 September-1 October 2004, Townsville, Australia A Calladine, M Waycott James Cook University, 2004 | | 2004 |