Roberto Corsini
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Cited by
Flow solutions around rectangular cylinders: the question of spatial discretization
R Corsini, D Angeli, E Stalio, S Chibbaro, A Cimarelli
Wind and Structures 34 (1), 151-159, 2022
Direct numerical simulation of turbulence in the wake of a metal foam
R Corsini, E Stalio
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 115, 104599, 2020
On the turbulent flow past a realistic open-cell metal foam
R Corsini, A Fregni, M Spinolo, E Stalio
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 920, A9, 2021
Reynolds number effects in separating and reattaching flows with passive scalar transport
A Cimarelli, R Corsini, E Stalio
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 984, A20, 2024
Implicit Large Eddy Simulations of a rectangular 5: 1 cylinder with a high-order discontinuous Galerkin method
A Crivellini, A Nigro, A Colombo, A Ghidoni, G Noventa, A Cimarelli, ...
Wind and Structures 34 (1), 59-72, 2022
DNS of the Flow About a 5: 1 Rectangular Body with Sharp Corners
R Corsini, A Cimarelli, E Stalio
ERCOFTAC Workshop Direct and Large Eddy Simulation, 9-16, 2023
Design of heat pipes on board accelerating vehicles using the 1D/3D co-simulation approach
M Ermini, M Sabato, F Brusiani, T Baritaud, R Corsini, E Stalio
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 229, 125660, 2024
RANS representation of transition and separation over a low-Re number blade section at high angle of attack
L Pagliarini, R Corsini, E Stalio, F Bozzoli
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2766 (1), 012086, 2024
Simulazione numerica diretta della turbolenza: flusso a valle di una griglia irregolare e aerodinamica di un corpo tozzo a sezione rettangolare
R Corsini
Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, 2022
Simulazione numerica diretta della scia turbolenta generata da una schiuma metallica di alluminio
Flow over a 5: 1 rectangular cylinder at moderate Reynolds numbers: Comparison between DNS, LES, and experiments
M Morello, G Lunghi, A Mariotti, MV Salvetti, R Corsini, A Cimarelli, ...
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Articles 1–11