Benyamine ALLOUCHE
Benyamine ALLOUCHE
IRT jules verne
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Cited by
Design and implementation of a robust fuzzy controller for a rotary inverted pendulum using the Takagi-Sugeno descriptor representation
QV Dang, B Allouche, L Vermeiren, A Dequidt, M Dambrine
2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Control and Automation …, 2014
An adaptive version of a second order sliding mode output feedback controller
A Estrada, F Plestan, B Allouche
2013 European Control Conference (ECC), 3228-3233, 2013
Real-time control of a force feedback haptic interface via EtherCAT fieldbus
QV Dang, B Allouche, A Dequidt, L Vermeiren, V Dubreucq
2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 441-446, 2015
Sliding mode control of biglide planar parallel manipulator
M Litim, B Allouche, A Omari, A Dequidt, L Vermeiren
2014 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and …, 2014
Design and control of an assistive device for the study of the post-stroke sit-to-stand movement
B Allouche, A Saade, A Dequidt, L Vermeiren, O Remy-Neris
Journal of Bionic Engineering 15 (4), 647-660, 2018
Design and control of a sit-to-stand assistive device via EtherCAT fieldbus
B Allouche, A Dequidt, L Vermeiren, P Hamon
2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 761-766, 2017
Modélisation et commande des robots: nouvelles approches basées sur les modèles Takagi-Sugeno
B Allouche
Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambresis, 2016
Step-crossing feasibility of two-wheeled transporter: Analysis based on Takagi-Sugeno descriptor approach
B Allouche, L Vermeiren, A Dequidt, M Dambrine
17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2014
Robust control of two-wheeled self-balanced transporter on sloping ground: A Takagi-Sugeno descriptor approach
B Allouche, L Vermeiren, A Dequidt, M Dambrine
3rd International Conference on Systems and Control, 372-377, 2013
Modeling and PDC fuzzy control of planar parallel robot: A differential–algebraic equations approach
B Allouche, A Dequidt, L Vermeiren, M Dambrine
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 14 (1), 1729881416687112, 2017
Modélisation ts sous forme descripteur et commande d’un pendule inversé à deux roues
B Allouche, L Vermeiren, A Dequidt, M Dambrine
LFA 2013, 2013
Step-crossing control of two-wheeled transporter based on Takagi-Sugeno approach: Comparison between state and descriptor form
B Allouche, L Vermeiren, A Dequidt, M Dambrine
2014 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 1324-1329, 2014
Commande temps-réel d’un pendule inversé: Approche TS descripteur robuste
B Allouche, L Vermeiren, A Dequidt, L Cung, QV Dang
25èmes Rencontres Francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications (LFA), 2016
Conception d’un dispositif d’assistance au passage assis–debout pour personnes hémiplégiques
B Allouche, A Dequidt, L Vermeiren, O Rémy-Néris, P Hamon
GT Systèmes mécatroniques, 2015
Franchissement d'obstacle d'un gyropode: comparaison entre deux approches TS
B Allouche, L Vermeiren, A Dequidt, M Dambrine
Rencontres francophones sur la logique floue et ses applications (LFA 2014), 2014
Modélisation TS sous forme descripteur et commande d’un pendule inverséa deux roues Fuzzy descriptor modeling and control of two wheeled inverted pendulum
B Allouche, L Vermeiren, A Dequidt, M Dambrine
Actes des 22èmes rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses …, 0
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