Thiago Costa Lisboa tlisboa
Thiago Costa Lisboa tlisboa
Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre
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Cited by
Surviving sepsis campaign: international guidelines for management of sepsis and septic shock: 2016
A Rhodes, LE Evans, W Alhazzani, MM Levy, M Antonelli, R Ferrer, ...
Intensive care medicine 43 (3), 304-377, 2017
Combination antibiotic therapy with macrolides improves survival in intubated patients with community-acquired pneumonia
I Martin-Loeches, T Lisboa, A Rodriguez, C Putensen, D Annane, ...
Intensive care medicine 36 (4), 612-620, 2010
Spectrum of practice in the diagnosis of nosocomial pneumonia in patients requiring mechanical ventilation in European intensive care units
D Koulenti, T Lisboa, C Brun-Buisson, W Krueger, A Macor, J Sole-Violan, ...
Critical care medicine 37 (8), 2360-2369, 2009
Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence and therapy: evolving translational strategies
JL Veesenmeyer, AR Hauser, T Lisboa, J Rello
Critical care medicine 37 (5), 1777, 2009
Decreases in procalcitonin and C-reactive protein are strong predictors of survival in ventilator-associated pneumonia
R Seligman, M Meisner, TC Lisboa, FT Hertz, TB Filippin, JMG Fachel, ...
Critical Care 10 (5), R125, 2006
A care bundle approach for prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia
J Rello, E Afonso, T Lisboa, M Ricart, B Balsera, A Rovira, J Valles, E Diaz, ...
Clinical Microbiology and Infection 19 (4), 363-369, 2013
Severity of pneumococcal pneumonia associated with genomic bacterial load
J Rello, T Lisboa, M Lujan, M Gallego, C Kee, I Kay, D Lopez, GW Waterer
Chest 136 (3), 832-840, 2009
Protocolo de manejo de la Insuficiencia Respiratoria Aguda Grave en pacientes con neumonía viral primaria por el nuevo virus de la Gripe A (H1N1) en UCI
J Rello, E Díaz, A Rodríguez, D Mendoza, T Lisboa, I Martín-Loeches
Science 323 (5921), 1544-6, 2009
Use of early corticosteroid therapy on ICU admission in patients affected by severe pandemic (H1N1) v influenza A infection
I Martin-Loeches, T Lisboa, A Rhodes, RP Moreno, E Silva, C Sprung, ...
Intensive care medicine 37 (2), 272-283, 2011
Incidence and prognosis of ventilator-associated tracheobronchitis (TAVeM): a multicentre, prospective, observational study
I Martin-Loeches, P Povoa, A Rodríguez, D Curcio, D Suarez, JP Mira, ...
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 3 (11), 859-868, 2015
PIRO score for community-acquired pneumonia: a new prediction rule for assessment of severity in intensive care unit patients with community-acquired pneumonia
J Rello, A Rodriguez, T Lisboa, M Gallego, M Lujan, R Wunderink
Critical care medicine 37 (2), 456-462, 2009
Early sedation and clinical outcomes of mechanically ventilated patients: a prospective multicenter cohort study
LMS Tanaka, LCP Azevedo, M Park, G Schettino, AP Nassar, A Réa-Neto, ...
Critical Care 18 (4), R156, 2014
Critically ill patients with cancer and sepsis: clinical course and prognostic factors
MM Rosolem, LSCF Rabello, T Lisboa, P Caruso, RT Costa, JVR Leal, ...
Journal of critical care 27 (3), 301-307, 2012
A randomized trial of dental brushing for preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia
A Pobo, T Lisboa, A Rodriguez, R Sole, M Magret, S Trefler, F Gómez, ...
Chest 136 (2), 433-439, 2009
Organizational characteristics, outcomes, and resource use in 78 Brazilian intensive care units: the ORCHESTRA study
M Soares, FA Bozza, DC Angus, AM Japiassú, WN Viana, R Costa, ...
Intensive care medicine 41 (12), 2149-2160, 2015
The ventilator-associated pneumonia PIRO score: a tool for predicting ICU mortality and health-care resources use in ventilator-associated pneumonia
T Lisboa, E Diaz, M Sa-Borges, A Socias, J Sole-Violan, A Rodríguez, ...
Chest 134 (6), 1208-1216, 2008
C-reactive protein correlates with bacterial load and appropriate antibiotic therapy in suspected ventilator-associated pneumonia
T Lisboa, R Seligman, E Diaz, A Rodriguez, PJZ Teixeira, J Rello
Critical care medicine 36 (1), 166-171, 2008
Impact of early oseltamivir treatment on outcome in critically ill patients with 2009 pandemic influenza A
A Rodríguez, E Díaz, I Martín-Loeches, A Sandiumenge, L Canadell, ...
Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy 66 (5), 1140-1149, 2011
Bacteremia in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia is associated with increased mortality: a study comparing bacteremic vs. nonbacteremic ventilator-associated pneumonia
K Agbaht, E Diaz, E Muñoz, T Lisboa, F Gomez, PO Depuydt, SI Blot, ...
Critical care medicine 35 (9), 2064-2070, 2007
Bacteremia is an independent risk factor for mortality in nosocomial pneumonia: a prospective and observational multicenter study
M Magret, T Lisboa, I Martin-Loeches, R Máñez, M Nauwynck, H Wrigge, ...
Critical care 15 (1), R62, 2011
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