Albert Guisasola
Albert Guisasola
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Roof selection for rainwater harvesting: Quantity and quality assessments in Spain
R Farreny, T Morales-Pinzón, A Guisasola, C Tayà, J Rieradevall, ...
Water research 45 (10), 3245-3254, 2011
Methane formation in sewer systems
A Guisasola, D de Haas, J Keller, Z Yuan
Water Research 42 (6-7), 1421-1430, 2008
A review on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions during biological nutrient removal from municipal wastewater and sludge reject water
TM Massara, S Malamis, A Guisasola, JA Baeza, C Noutsopoulos, ...
Science of the Total Environment 596, 106-123, 2017
Enhanced biological phosphorus removal in a sequencing batch reactor using propionate as the sole carbon source
M Pijuan, AM Saunders, A Guisasola, JA Baeza, C Casas, LL Blackall
Biotechnology and bioengineering 85 (1), 56-67, 2004
Respirometric estimation of the oxygen affinity constants for biological ammonium and nitrite oxidation
A Guisasola, I Jubany, JA Baeza, J Carrera, J Lafuente
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology: International Research in …, 2005
The nature of the carbon source rules the competition between PAO and denitrifiers in systems for simultaneous biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal
J Guerrero, A Guisasola, JA Baeza
Water Research 45 (16), 4793-4802, 2011
Sulfur transformation in rising main sewers receiving nitrate dosage
G Jiang, KR Sharma, A Guisasola, J Keller, Z Yuan
Water Research 43 (17), 4430-4440, 2009
Hydrogen production in single chamber microbial electrolysis cells with different complex substrates
N Montpart, L Rago, JA Baeza, A Guisasola
Water Research 68, 601-615, 2015
Development of a model for assessing methane formation in rising main sewers
A Guisasola, KR Sharma, J Keller, Z Yuan
Water Research 43 (11), 2874-2884, 2009
Inorganic carbon limitations on nitrification: experimental assessment and modelling
A Guisasola, S Petzet, JA Baeza, J Carrera, J Lafuente
Water research 41 (2), 277-286, 2007
Impact of nitrate addition on biofilm properties and activities in rising main sewers
J Mohanakrishnan, O Gutierrez, KR Sharma, A Guisasola, U Werner, ...
Water research 43 (17), 4225-4237, 2009
A new approach for modelling simultaneous storage and growth processes for activated sludge systems under aerobic conditions
G Sin, A Guisasola, DJW De Pauw, JA Baeza, J Carrera, ...
Biotechnology and Bioengineering 92 (5), 600-613, 2005
A review on the integration of mainstream P-recovery strategies with enhanced biological phosphorus removal
C Zhang, A Guisasola, JA Baeza
Water Research 212, 118102, 2022
Bioelectrochemical hydrogen production from urban wastewater on a pilot scale
JA Baeza, À Martínez-Miró, J Guerrero, Y Ruiz, A Guisasola
Journal of Power Sources 356, 500-509, 2017
Improving the performance of a WWTP control system by model-based setpoint optimisation
J Guerrero, A Guisasola, R Vilanova, JA Baeza
Environmental Modelling & Software 26 (4), 492-497, 2011
Aerobic phosphorus release linked to acetate uptake: influence of PAO intracellular storage compounds
M Pijuan, A Guisasola, JA Baeza, J Carrera, C Casas, J Lafuente
Biochemical Engineering Journal 26 (2-3), 184-190, 2005
Treatment of high-strength sulfate wastewater using an autotrophic biocathode in view of elemental sulfur recovery
E Blázquez, D Gabriel, JA Baeza, A Guisasola
Water Research 105, 395-405, 2016
Assessment of four different cathode materials at different initial pHs using unbuffered catholytes in microbial electrolysis cells
E Ribot-Llobet, JY Nam, JC Tokash, A Guisasola, BE Logan
international journal of hydrogen energy 38 (7), 2951-2956, 2013
Microbial community analysis in a long-term membrane-less microbial electrolysis cell with hydrogen and methane production
L Rago, Y Ruiz, JA Baeza, A Guisasola, P Cortés
Bioelectrochemistry 106, 359-368, 2015
Failure of an enriched nitrite-DPAO population to use nitrate as an electron acceptor
A Guisasola, M Qurie, M del Mar Vargas, C Casas, JA Baeza
Process Biochemistry 44 (7), 689-695, 2009
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Articles 1–20