Lorena Siguenza-Guzman
Lorena Siguenza-Guzman
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad de Cuenca, Ecuador
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Literature review of data mining applications in academic libraries
L Siguenza-Guzman, V Saquicela, E Avila-Ordóñez, J Vandewalle, ...
The Journal of Academic Librarianship 41 (4), 499-510, 2015
Recent evolutions in costing systems: A literature review of Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing
L Siguenza-Guzman, A Van den Abbeele, J Vandewalle, H Verhaaren, ...
Review of Business and Economic Literature 58 (1), 34-64, 2013
Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing Systems for Cataloguing Processes: A Case Study
L Siguenza Guzman, A Van den Abbeele, D Cattrysse
The Liber Quarterly 23 (3), 160-186, 2014
Using Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing to Support Library Management Decisions: A Case Study for Lending and Returning Processes
L Siguenza-Guzman, A Van den Abbeele, J Vandewalle, H Verhaaren, ...
Library Quarterly 84 (1), 76-98, 2014
Integración de información de costos para la toma de decisiones en industrias de ensamblaje
MM Guamán Ochoa, BE Cárdenas Arias, L Siguenza-Guzman, L Segarra
Revista Economía Y Política, 100-117, 2020
Transformational leadership and stakeholder management in library change
D Sucozhañay, L Siguenza Guzman, C Zhimnay, D Cattrysse, G Wyseure, ...
The Liber Quarterly 24 (2), 55-83, 2014
Blockchain and Its Potential Applications in Food Supply Chain Management in Ecuador
M Peña, J Llivisaca, L Siguenza-Guzman
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1066, 101-112, 2020
Using Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing to Identify Best Practices in Academic Libraries
L Siguenza-Guzman, A Auquilla, A Van den Abbeele, D Cattrysse
The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 2016
Levantamiento de procesos como base para la aplicación de sistemas de costeo basado en actividades en empresas de ensamblaje
EX Benavídez Vera, EM Segarra Farfán, E Colina-Morles, ...
Revista Economía y Política, 48-71, 2019
Coordinating learning analytics policymaking and implementation at scale
T Broos, I Hilliger, M Pérez-Sanagustín, NN Htun, M Millecamp, ...
British Journal of Educational Technology, 2020
Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing in the Assembly Industry
O Vedernikova, L Siguenza-Guzman, J Pesantez, R Arcentales-Carrion
Australasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal 14 (4), 3-23, 2020
A holistic approach to supporting academic libraries in resource allocation processes
L Siguenza Guzman, A Van den Abbeele, J Vandewalle, H Verhaaren, ...
Library Quarterly 85 (3), 295-318, 2015
Key Performance Indicators for the Supply Chain in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises based on Balance Score Card
J Llivisaca, D Jadan, R Guamán, R Arcentales-Carrión, M Peña, ...
TEST Engineering & Management 83, 25933 – 25945, 2020
Design of an integrated decision support system for library holistic evaluation
L Siguenza Guzman, V Saquicela, D Cattrysse
Proceedings of IATUL Conferences, 1-12, 2014
PESTEL Analysis as a Baseline to Support Decision-Making in the Local Textile Industry
E Sigcha, A Martinez-Moscoso, L Siguenza-Guzman, D Jadan
Systems and Information Sciences 1273, 144-156, 2021
Modelo de optimización para el cálculo de tiempos estándar en procesos de ensamblaje
P Guerrero, R Guaman, E Colina Morles, L Siguenza-Guzman
RISTI (Revista Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de la Información), 231–245, 2020
Towards a holistic analysis tool to support decision-making in libraries
L Siguenza-Guzman, L Holans, A Van den Abbeele, J Vandewalle, ...
Toward a Sustainability Balanced Scorecard for Managing Corporate Social Responsibility: A Conceptual Model
G Sucozhañay, F Cabrera, D Sucozhañay, R Guaman, ...
Advances and Applications in Computer Science, Electronics and Industrial …, 2021
Prediction of Standard Times in Assembly Lines Using Least Squares in Multivariable Linear Models
J Ramirez, R Guaman, E Colina Morles, L Siguenza-Guzman
Applied Technologies. ICAT 2019. Communications in Computer and Information …, 2020
Towards the Implementation of a Software Platform Based on BPMN and TDABC for Strategic Management
E Sigcha, V Morocho, L Siguenza-Guzman
Communications in Computer and Information Science 895, 259-273, 2019
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Articles 1–20