Luis M. Jiménez
Luis M. Jiménez
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Cited by
Remote control laboratory via Internet using Matlab and Simulink
R Puerto, LM Jiménez, O Reinoso
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 18 (4), 694-702, 2010
ROBTET: A new teleoperated system for live-line maintenance
R Aracil, LF Penin, M Feme, LM Jimenez, A Barrientos, A Santamaria, ...
Proceedings of ESMO'95-1995 IEEE 7th International Conference on …, 1995
RECOLAB: Laboratorio remoto de control utilizando Matlab y Simulink
LM Jiménez, R Puerto, Ó Reinoso, C Fernández, R Ñeco
Revista Iberoamericana de automática e informática industrial 2 (2), 64-72, 2010
Virtual laboratories for control education: a combined methodology
C Fernandez, MA Vicente, LM Jimenez
International Journal of Engineering Education 21 (6), 1059-1067, 2005
Integración de dispositivos físicos en un laboratorio remoto de control mediante diferentes plataformas: Labview, Matlab y C/C++
R Costa-Castelló, M Vallés, LM Jiménez, L Díaz-Guerra, A Valera, ...
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI 7 (1), 23-34, 2010
Automated real-time visual inspection system for high-resolution superimposed printings
F Torres, JM Sebastian, R Aracil, LM Jiménez, O Reinoso
Image and vision computing 16 (12-13), 947-958, 1998
Visual information fusion through bayesian inference for adaptive probability-oriented feature matching
D Valiente, L Payá, LM Jiménez, JM Sebastian, O Reinoso
Sensors 18 (7), 2041, 2018
Remote control laboratory using Matlab and Simulink
LM Jimenez, R Puerto, O Reinoso, RP Neco, C Fernandez
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2963-2967, 2007
Modelling, simulation and conception of parallel climbing robots for construction and service
R Saltarén, R Aracil, JM Sabater, O Reinoso, LM Jimenez
2nd Int. Workshop & Conf. on CLIMBING & WALKING ROBOTS (CLAWAR), 1999
Holistic descriptors of omnidirectional color images and their performance in estimation of position and orientation
F Amoros, L Paya, W Mayol-Cuevas, LM Jiménez, O Reinoso
IEEE Access 8, 81822-81848, 2020
Proyecto de aula para fortalecer el pensamiento numérico a través de la utilización de material manipulativo en los niños de preescolar de la IEVS Sede Fidel Antonio Saldarriaga
L Jiménez
Recuperado de: http://bdigital. unal. edu. co/53995/1/42687574.2016. pdf, 2016
Obstacle avoidance for teleoperated robots for live power lines maintenance, using artificial vision
R Aracil, FM Sánchez, D García, JM González, LM Jiménez, JM Sebastián
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31 (2), 327-332, 1998
Multi-robot map alignment in visual SLAM
M Ballesta, A Gil, O Reinoso, M Juliá, LM Jiménez
WSEAS Transactions on Systems 9 (2), 213-222, 2010
Plataforma Distribuida para la Realización de Prácticas de Robótica Móvil a través de Internet
L Payá, O Reinoso, A Gil, LM Jiménez
Información tecnológica 18 (6), 27-38, 2007
Simulation and scheduling of real-time computer vision algorithms
HI Christensen, F Torres, FA Candelas, ST Puente, LM Jiménez, ...
Computer Vision Systems: First International Conference, ICVS’99 Las Palmas …, 1999
Sistemas distribuidos: Arquitectura y aplicaciones
LM Jiménez, R Puerto, L Payá
Universidad Miguel Hernández, 2017
Distributed platform for the control of the WiFiBot robot through Internet
L Payá, A Gil, O Reinoso, M Juliá, L Riera, LM Jiménez
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (6), 59-64, 2006
Automatic inspection for phase-shift reflection defects in aluminum web production
F Torres, LM Jiménez, FA Candelas, JM Azorín, RJ Agulló
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 13, 151-156, 2002
A study of visual descriptors for outdoor navigation using google street view images
L Fernández, L Payá, O Reinoso, LM Jiménez, M Ballesta
Journal of Sensors 2016 (1), 1537891, 2016
JM Azorın, L Payá, LM Jiménez, NM Garcıa, JM Sabater
2º IFAC Workshop on Internet Based Control Education (Grenoble 2004), 2004
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Articles 1–20