Edgar Chacón
Edgar Chacón
Profesor Universidad de Los Andes Venezuela
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Coordination and optimization in oil and gas production complexes
E Chacón, I Besembel, JC Hennet
Computers in Industry 53 (1), 17-37, 2004
H 2 CM: A holonic architecture for flexible hybrid control systems
C Indriago, O Cardin, N Rakoto, P Castagna, E Chacòn
Computers in Industry 77, 15-28, 2016
Toward an implementation of sliding mode control to chemical processes
OE Camacho, C Smith, E Chacón
Industrial Electronics, 1997. ISIE'97., Proceedings of the IEEE …, 1997
An integration architecture for the automation of a continuous production complex
E Chacón, I Besembel, F Narciso, J Montilva, E Colina
ISA transactions 41 (1), 95-113, 2002
Integral automation of industrial complexes based on hybrid systems
E Chacón, F Szigeti, O Camacho
ISA transactions 35 (4), 305-319, 1996
Aportes Metodológicos para el Diseño de Sistemas de Supervisión de Procesos Continuos
G Zapata, J Cardillo, E Chacón
Información tecnológica 22 (3), 97-114, 2011
Industria 4.0 en América Latina: Una ruta para su implantación
EA Chacón-Ramírez, JJ Cardillo-Albarrán, J Uribe-Hernández
Revista Ingenio 17 (1), 28-35, 2020
Supervisory control design based on hybrid systems and fuzzy events detection. Application to an oxichlorination reactor
E Altamiranda, H Torres, E Colina, E Chacón
ISA transactions 41 (4), 485-499, 2002
Un método para la automatización integral de empresas de producción continua
J Montilva, E Chacón, E Colina
Revista Información Tecnológica 12 (6), 147-156, 2001
Sistema de gestión de energía bajo el paradigma de Industria 4.0
J Uribe-Hernández, L Avila-Roa, EA Chacón-Ramírez
Revista Ingenio 18 (1), 33-40, 2021
The Control of Water Distribution Systems as a Holonic System
E Chacón-Ramírez, J Cardillo-Albarrán, LA Cruz-Salazar
Service Oriented, Holonic and Multi-agent Manufacturing Systems for Industry …, 2019
Embedded holonics systems in production process: holonic unit of production
E Chacón, I Besembel, D Rivero, J Cardillo
Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería. Universidad del Zulia 32 (1), 2009
The holonic production unit: an approach for an architecture of embedded production process
E Chacón, I Besembel, M Rivero, J Cardillo
Advances in Robotics, Automation and Control, ITech_ISA, 301-314, 2008
Intelligent supervisory systems for industrial process control
E Altamiranda, E Colina, E Chacón
WSEAS Transactions on Systems 4 (7), 945-949, 2005
Cyber-Physical System for Industrial Control Automation Based on the Holonic Approach and the IEC 61499 Standard
L Cruz Salazar, JH Carvajal, OA Rojas, E Chacón
2018 Forum on Specification & Design Languages (FDL), 5-16, 2018
Application of holonic paradigm to hybrid processes: case of a water treatment process
C Indriago, O Cardin, N Rakoto, E Chacon, P Castagna
Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-agent Manufacturing, 39-48, 2015
Coupled dynamics for industrial complex system
E Chacón, G De Sarrazin, Y Khodr
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 47 (3), 1561-1570, 2001
Principios de una metodología para integración empresarial bajo un enfoque holónico
E Chacon, JM Velasco, O Rojas
Memorias del XII latin american congress on Automation Control, 2006
A control architecture for continuous production processes based on industry 4.0: water supply systems application
E Chacón, L Cruz Salazar, J Cardillo, Y Paredes Astudillo
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2021
Implementación de Supervisores en una Arquitectura de Referencia Basadas en Sistemas de Manufactura Holónicos
E Chacón, M Indriago
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI 7 (3), 72-82, 2010
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Articles 1–20