Anurudda Kumara Karunarathna
Anurudda Kumara Karunarathna
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Improvement of heavy metal removal from urban runoff using modified pervious concrete
P Wijeyawardana, N Nanayakkara, C Gunasekara, A Karunarathna, ...
Science of The Total Environment 815, 152936, 2022
Seasonal variations in leachate characteristics from municipal solid waste dumpsites in India and Srilanka
S Esakku, OP Karthikeyan, K Joseph, R Nagendran, K Palanivelu, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste …, 2007
Interface interactions between insecticide carbofuran and tea waste biochars produced at different pyrolysis temperatures
SS Mayakaduwaa, V Meththika, A Karunarathna, M Dinesh, YS Ok
Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability 28 (1-4), 110-118, 2016
Removal of Cu, Pb and Zn from stormwater using an industrially manufactured sawdust and paddy husk derived biochar
P Wijeyawardana, N Nanayakkara, C Gunasekara, A Karunarathna, ...
Environmental Technology & Innovation 28, 102640, 2022
Two-region model for soil water repellency as a function of matric potential and water content
AK Karunarathna, P Moldrup, K Kawamoto, LW de Jonge, T Komatsu
Vadose Zone Journal 9 (3), 719-730, 2010
Ascertaining of optimum pyrolysis conditions in producing refuse tea biochar as a soil amendment
H Amarasinghe, SK Gunathilake, AK Karunarathna
Procedia food science 6, 97-102, 2016
Compendium of Principles Applied and Technologies Developed for Managing Municipal Solid Wastes in Sri Lanka
BFA Basnayake, RTK Ariyawansha, AK Karunarathna
Agricultural Research for Sustainable Food Systems in Sri Lanka: Volume 2: A …, 2020
Urban mining and sustainable waste management
SK Ghosh
Springer, 2020
Evaluating sustainable options for valorization of rice by-products in Sri Lanka: An approach for a circular business model
W Illankoon, C Milanese, AK Karunarathna, KDHE Liyanage, ...
Agronomy 13 (3), 803, 2023
A simple beta-function model for soil-water repellency as a function of water and organic carbon contents
AK Karunarathna, K Kawamoto, P Moldrup, LW de Jonge, T Komatsu
Soil science 175 (10), 461-468, 2010
Performance of biochar mixed cement paste for removal of Cu, Pb and Zn from stormwater
P Wijeyawardana, N Nanayakkara, D Law, C Gunasekara, ...
Environmental Research 232, 116331, 2023
Extensions to Michaelis-Menten kinetics for single parameters
RTK Ariyawansha, BFA Basnayake, AK Karunarathna, MIM Mowjood
Scientific reports 8 (1), 16586, 2018
Design and Development of a Double-chamber Down Draft (DcDD) pyrolyzer for biochar production from rice husk
A Alahakoon, AK Karunarathna, RS Dharmakeerthi, F Silva
Journal of Biosystems Engineering 47 (4), 458-467, 2022
Mini tensiometer‐time domain reflectometry coil probe for measuring soil water retention properties
S Subedi, K Kawamoto, AK Karunarathna, P Moldrup, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 77 (5), 1517-1528, 2013
Development of a Dual-Chamber Pyrolizer for Biochar Production from Agricultural Waste in Sri Lanka
IWAM A. N., M Chiara, AK Karunarathna, AMYW Alahakoon, ...
Energies 16 (4), 1819, 2023
Municipal solid waste composting: potentials and constraints
GGDLW Samarasingha, M Bandara, AK Karunarathna
Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute: Colombo, 2015
Effect of coconut coir-pith supplement on nitrogen and phosphate removal in subsurface flow wetland microcosms
N Tanaka, AK Karunarathna, K Jindasa
Chemistry and Ecology 24 (1), 15-22, 2008
Evaluating the performance of cement-modified biochar adsorbent for Cu, Pb and Zn removal from urban stormwater
P Wijeyawardana, N Nanayakkara, D Law, C Gunasekara, ...
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 186, 1419-1431, 2024
Permeable reactive barriers as an in situ groundwater remediation technique for open solid waste dumpsites: a review and prospect
R Jayasundara, KPP Udayagee, AK Karunarathna, PM Manage, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 234 (1), 50, 2023
Changes in structural and chemical properties of rice husk biochar co-pyrolysed with Eppawala Rock Phosphate under different temperatures.
D Dissanayake, RS Dharmakeerthi, AK Karunarathna, WS Dandeniya
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Articles 1–20