Bret Cooper
Bret Cooper
Soybean Genomics and Improvement Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD
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A draft sequence of the rice genome (Oryza sativa L. ssp. japonica)
SA Goff, D Ricke, TH Lan, G Presting, R Wang, M Dunn, J Glazebrook, ...
Science 296 (5565), 92-100, 2002
CTR1 phosphorylates the central regulator EIN2 to control ethylene hormone signaling from the ER membrane to the nucleus in Arabidopsis
C Ju, GM Yoon, JM Shemansky, DY Lin, ZI Ying, J Chang, WM Garrett, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (47), 19486-19491, 2012
Diverse RNA viruses elicit the expression of common sets of genes in susceptible Arabidopsis thaliana plants
SA Whitham, S Quan, HS Chang, B Cooper, B Estes, T Zhu, X Wang, ...
The Plant Journal 33 (2), 271-283, 2003
A network of rice genes associated with stress response and seed development
B Cooper, JD Clarke, P Budworth, J Kreps, D Hutchison, S Park, S Guimil, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (8), 4945-4950, 2003
A defective movement protein of TMV in transgenic plants confers resistance to multipleviruses whereas the functional analog increases susceptibility
B Cooper, M Lapidot, JA Heick, JA Dodds, RN Beachy
Virology 206 (1), 307-313, 1995
Genome-wide association mapping of Fusarium head blight resistance in contemporary barley breeding germplasm
J Massman, B Cooper, R Horsley, S Neate, R Dill-Macky, S Chao, Y Dong, ...
Molecular breeding 27, 439-454, 2011
Constitutive salicylic acid‐dependent signaling in cpr1 and cpr6 mutants requires PAD4
D Jirage, N Zhou, B Cooper, JD Clarke, X Dong, J Glazebrook
The Plant Journal 26 (4), 395-407, 2001
Establishment of a protein reference map for soybean root hair cells
L Brechenmacher, J Lee, S Sachdev, Z Song, THN Nguyen, T Joshi, ...
Plant Physiology 149 (2), 670-682, 2009
Investigative proteomics: identification of an unknown plant virus from infected plants using mass spectrometry
B Cooper, D Eckert, NL Andon, JR Yates III, PA Haynes
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 14 (7), 736-741, 2003
Quantitative proteomic analysis of bean plants infected by a virulent and avirulent obligate rust fungus
J Lee, J Feng, KB Campbell, BE Scheffler, WM Garrett, S Thibivilliers, ...
Molecular & cellular proteomics 8 (1), 19-31, 2009
Domains of the TMV movement protein involved in subcellular localization
TW Kahn, M Lapidot, M Heinlein, C Reichel, B Cooper, R Gafny, ...
The Plant Journal 15 (1), 15-25, 1998
Genes that are modulated by posttranscriptional gene silencing
T Zhu, X Wang, HS Chang, S Briggs, B Cooper, J Glazebrook, S Goff, ...
US Patent App. 10/259,165, 2003
The haustorial transcriptomes of Uromyces appendiculatus and Phakopsora pachyrhizi and their candidate effector families
TI Link, P Lang, BE Scheffler, MV Duke, MA Graham, B Cooper, ...
Molecular plant pathology 15 (4), 379-393, 2014
Proteomic responses in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings treated with ethylene
R Chen, BM Binder, WM Garrett, ML Tucker, C Chang, B Cooper
Molecular Biosystems 7 (9), 2637-2650, 2011
Collateral gene expression changes induced by distinct plant viruses during the hypersensitive resistance reaction in Chenopodium amaranticolor
B Cooper
The Plant Journal 26 (3), 339-349, 2001
Probability model for assessing proteins assembled from peptide sequences inferred from tandem mass spectrometry data
J Feng, DQ Naiman, B Cooper
Analytical chemistry 79 (10), 3901-3911, 2007
Genetic Mechanisms for Engineering Host Resistance to Plant Viruses in Handbook of biological control: principles and applications of biological control
B Cooper
Academic Press, 1999
Relative, label-free protein quantitation: spectral counting error statistics from nine replicate MudPIT samples
B Cooper, J Feng, WM Garrett
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 21 (9), 1534-1546, 2010
Plant genes involved in defense against pathogens
F Katagiri, YM Hou, S Quan, HS Chang, T Zhu, S Whitham, S Goff, ...
US Patent App. 09/887,272, 2007
Nuclear proteomic changes linked to soybean rust resistance
B Cooper, KB Campbell, J Feng, WM Garrett, R Frederick
Molecular BioSystems 7 (3), 773-783, 2011
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Articles 1–20