Wido La Heij
Wido La Heij
Leiden University, Cognitive Psychology (Retired)
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How does bilingualism improve executive control? A comparison of active and reactive inhibition mechanisms.
LS Colzato, MT Bajo, W Van den Wildenberg, D Paolieri, S Nieuwenhuis, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 34 (2), 302, 2008
Time-course analysis of semantic and orthographic context effects in picture naming.
PA Starreveld, W La Heij
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 22 (4), 896, 1996
Selection processes in monolingual and bilingual lexical access
W La Heij
Handbook of bilingualism: Psycholinguistic approaches, 289-307, 2005
Semantic interference, orthographic facilitation, and their interaction in naming tasks.
PA Starreveld, W La Heij
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 21 (3), 686, 1995
Nonverbal context effects in forward and backward word translation: Evidence for concept mediation
W La Heij, A Hooglander, R Kerling, E Van Der Velden
Journal of Memory and Language 35 (5), 648-665, 1996
Semantic facilitation and semantic interference in word translation: Implications for models of lexical access in language production
I Bloem, W La Heij
Journal of Memory and language 48 (3), 468-488, 2003
Pointing and voicing in deictic expressions
WJM Levelt, G Richardson, W La Heij
Journal of memory and language 24 (2), 133-164, 1985
Components of Stroop-like interference in picture naming
W La Heij
Memory & Cognition 16, 400-410, 1988
The dynamics of bilingual lexical access
A Costa, W La Heij, E Navarrete
Bilingualism: Language and cognition 9 (2), 137-151, 2006
Categorical interference and associative priming in picture naming
W La Heij, J Dirkx, P Kramer
British Journal of Psychology 81 (4), 511-525, 1990
Semantic facilitation and semantic interference in language production: Further evidence for the conceptual selection model of lexical access
I Bloem, S van den Boogaard, W La Heij
Journal of Memory and Language 51 (2), 307-323, 2004
The gender-congruency effect in picture-word tasks
W La Heij, P Mak, J Sander, E Willeboordse
Psychological Research 61 (3), 209-219, 1998
Orthographic facilitation and categorical interference in a word-translation variant of the Stroop task.
W La Heij, E de Bruyn, E Elens, R Hartsuiker, D Helaha, L van Schelven
Canadian Journal of Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie 44 (1), 76, 1990
Semantic priming and Stroop-like interference in word-naming tasks.
W La Heij, AH Van der Heijden, R Schreuder
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 11 (1), 62, 1985
A further look at semantic context effects in language production: The role of response congruency
JR Kuipers, W La Heij, A Costa
Language and Cognitive Processes 21 (7-8), 892-919, 2006
The functional unit of Japanese word naming: evidence from masked priming.
RG Verdonschot, S Kiyama, K Tamaoka, S Kinoshita, W La Heij, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 37 (6), 1458, 2011
Parallel processing of redundant targets in simple visual search tasks
AHC Van der Heijden, W La Heij, JPA Boer
Psychological Research 45, 235-254, 1983
In defense of the lexical-competition account of picture-word interference: A comment on Finkbeiner and Caramazza (2006)
W La Heij, JR Kuipers, PA Starreveld
Cortex 42 (7), 1028-1031, 2006
Picture-word interference is a Stroop effect: A theoretical analysis and new empirical findings
PA Starreveld, W La Heij
Psychonomic bulletin & review 24, 721-733, 2017
Picture-word interference increases with target-set size
W La Heij, E van den Hof
Psychological research 58 (2), 119-133, 1995
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