Tristan Perez
Tristan Perez
Leader Networked Autonomy, Boeing Designed Expert, Boeing Research & Technology
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Cited by
Deepfruits: A fruit detection system using deep neural networks
I Sa, Z Ge, F Dayoub, B Upcroft, T Perez, C McCool
sensors 16 (8), 1222, 2016
Ship motion control: course keeping and roll stabilisation using rudder and fins
T Perez
Springer, 2005
Hybrid frequency–time domain models for dynamic response analysis of marine structures
R Taghipour, T Perez, T Moan
Ocean Engineering 35 (7), 685-705, 2008
A survey of control allocation methods for underwater vehicles
TI Fossen, TA Johansen, T Perez
Underwater vehicles, 109-128, 2009
Kalman filtering for positioning and heading control of ships and offshore rigs
TI Fossen, T Perez
IEEE control systems magazine 29 (6), 32-46, 2009
Ship collision avoidance and COLREGS compliance using simulation-based control behavior selection with predictive hazard assessment
TA Johansen, T Perez, A Cristofaro
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 17 (12), 3407-3422, 2016
A survey of control allocation methods for ships and underwater vehicles
TI Fossen, TA Johansen
Control and Automation, 2006. MED'06. 14th Mediterranean Conference on, 1-6, 2006
A matlab toolbox for parametric identification of radiation-force models of ships and offshore structures
T Perez, TI Fossen
Autonomous sweet pepper harvesting for protected cropping systems
C Lehnert, A English, C McCool, AW Tow, T Perez
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2 (2), 872-879, 2017
Time-vs. frequency-domain identification of parametric radiation force models for marine structures at zero speed
T Pérez, T Fossen
Modeling, Identification and Control 29 (1), 1-19, 2008
Robot for weed species plant‐specific management
O Bawden, J Kulk, R Russell, C McCool, A English, F Dayoub, C Lehnert, ...
Journal of Field Robotics 34 (6), 1179-1199, 2017
Mixtures of lightweight deep convolutional neural networks: Applied to agricultural robotics
C McCool, T Perez, B Upcroft
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2 (3), 1344-1351, 2017
Marine systems simulator (mss)
TI Fossen, T Perez
URL http://www. marinecontrol. org, 2004
Mathematical Ship Modelling for Control Applications
T Pérez, M Blanke
Řrsted-DTU, Automation, 2002
Ship roll damping control
T Perez, M Blanke
Annual Reviews in Control 36 (1), 129-147, 2012
An overview of the marine systems simulator (MSS): A simulink toolbox for marine control systems
T Perez, O Smogeli, T Fossen, AJ Sorensen
Modeling, identification and Control 27 (4), 259-275, 2006
Constrained predictive control of ship fin stabilizers to prevent dynamic stall
T Perez, GC Goodwin
Control Engineering Practice 16 (4), 482-494, 2008
Practical aspects of frequency-domain identification of dynamic models of marine structures from hydrodynamic data
T Perez, TI Fossen
Ocean Engineering 38 (2-3), 426-435, 2011
Peduncle detection of sweet pepper for autonomous crop harvesting—combined color and 3-D information
I Sa, C Lehnert, A English, C McCool, F Dayoub, B Upcroft, T Perez
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2 (2), 765-772, 2017
Fruit quantity and ripeness estimation using a robotic vision system
M Halstead, C McCool, S Denman, T Perez, C Fookes
IEEE robotics and automation LETTERS 3 (4), 2995-3002, 2018
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Articles 1–20