Susan Kennedy
Susan Kennedy
Postdoctoral Researcher, Trier University
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Cited by
Nanopore sequencing of long ribosomal DNA amplicons enables portable and simple biodiversity assessments with high phylogenetic resolution across broad taxonomic scale
H Krehenwinkel, A Pomerantz, JB Henderson, SR Kennedy, JY Lim, ...
GigaScience 8 (5), giz006, 2019
A cost‐efficient and simple protocol to enrich prey DNA from extractions of predatory arthropods for large‐scale gut content analysis by Illumina sequencing
H Krehenwinkel, S Kennedy, S Pekár, RG Gillespie
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8 (1), 126-134, 2017
High-throughput sequencing for community analysis: the promise of DNA barcoding to uncover diversity, relatedness, abundances and interactions in spider communities
SR Kennedy, S Prost, I Overcast, AJ Rominger, RG Gillespie, ...
Development Genes and Evolution 230 (2), 185-201, 2020
Are you what you eat? A highly transient and prey‐influenced gut microbiome in the grey house spider Badumna longinqua
SR Kennedy, S Tsau, R Gillespie, H Krehenwinkel
Molecular Ecology 29 (5), 1001-1015, 2020
Spider webs, stable isotopes and molecular gut content analysis: Multiple lines of evidence support trophic niche differentiation in a community of Hawaiian spiders
S Kennedy, JY Lim, J Clavel, H Krehenwinkel, RG Gillespie
Functional Ecology 33 (9), 1722-1733, 2019
Scaling up DNA barcoding–Primer sets for simple and cost efficient arthropod systematics by multiplex PCR and Illumina amplicon sequencing
H Krehenwinkel, SR Kennedy, A Rueda, A Lam, RG Gillespie
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (11), 2181-2193, 2018
The effect of DNA degradation bias in passive sampling devices on metabarcoding studies of arthropod communities and their associated microbiota
H Krehenwinkel, M Fong, S Kennedy, EG Huang, S Noriyuki, L Cayetano, ...
PLoS one 13 (1), e0189188, 2018
Rapid in situ identification of biological specimens via DNA amplicon sequencing using miniaturized laboratory equipment
A Pomerantz, K Sahlin, N Vasiljevic, A Seah, M Lim, E Humble, ...
Nature Protocols 17 (6), 1415-1443, 2022
Rapid and cost-effective generation of single specimen multilocus barcoding data from whole arthropod communities by multiple levels of multiplexing
GA de Kerdrel, JC Andersen, SR Kennedy, R Gillespie, H Krehenwinkel
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 78, 2020
Connecting high‐throughput biodiversity inventories: Opportunities for a site‐based genomic framework for global integration and synthesis
P Arribas, C Andújar, MI Bidartondo, K Bohmann, É Coissac, S Creer, ...
Molecular Ecology 30 (5), 1120-1135, 2021
Multiplex PCR targeting lineage‐specific SNP s: A highly efficient and simple approach to block out predator sequences in molecular gut content analysis
H Krehenwinkel, SR Kennedy, SA Adams, GT Stephenson, K Roy, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (7), 982-993, 2019
The bug in a teacup—monitoring arthropod–plant associations with environmental DNA from dried plant material
H Krehenwinkel, S Weber, S Künzel, SR Kennedy
Biology Letters 18 (6), 20220091, 2022
Environmental DNA from archived leaves reveals widespread temporal turnover and biotic homogenization in forest arthropod communities
H Krehenwinkel, S Weber, R Broekmann, A Melcher, J Hans, R Wolf, ...
Elife 11, e78521, 2022
Stable isotopes of Hawaiian spiders reflect substrate properties along a chronosequence
SR Kennedy, TE Dawson, RG Gillespie
PeerJ 6, e4527, 2018
Richness and resilience in the Pacific: DNA metabarcoding enables parallelized evaluation of biogeographic patterns
S Kennedy, J Calaor, Y Zurápiti, J Hans, M Yoshimura, J Choo, ...
Molecular Ecology, 2022
Collective and harmonised high throughput barcoding of insular arthropod biodiversity: toward a Genomic Observatories Network for islands
BC Emerson, PAV Borges, P Cardoso, P Convey, JR deWaard, ...
Molecular Ecology, 2022
Shifts in morphology, gene expression, and selection underlie web loss in Hawaiian Tetragnatha spiders
CA Berger, MS Brewer, N Kono, H Nakamura, K Arakawa, SR Kennedy, ...
BMC Ecology and Evolution 21 (1), 1-17, 2021
External DNA contamination and efficiency of bleach decontamination for arthropod diet analysis
M Huszarik, N Röder, L Eberhardt, S Kennedy, H Krehenwinkel, ...
Environmental DNA 5 (3), 540-550, 2023
Multiple paths toward repeated phenotypic evolution in the spiny‐leg adaptive radiation (Tetragnatha; Hawai'i)
J Cerca, DD Cotoras, CG Santander, VC Bieker, L Hutchins, ...
Molecular Ecology, 2022
Towards a genetic theory of island biogeography: Inferring processes from multidimensional community‐scale data
I Overcast, G Achaz, R Aguilée, C Andújar, P Arribas, TJ Creedy, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography, 0
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Articles 1–20