Lutz Becks
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Cited by
Experimental demonstration of chaos in a microbial food web
L Becks, FM Hilker, H Malchow, K Jürgens, H Arndt
Nature 435 (7046), 1226-1229, 2005
Reduction of adaptive genetic diversity radically alters eco‐evolutionary community dynamics
L Becks, SP Ellner, LE Jones, NG Hairston Jr
Ecology letters 13 (8), 989-997, 2010
The functional genomics of an eco‐evolutionary feedback loop: linking gene expression, trait evolution, and community dynamics
L Becks, SP Ellner, LE Jones, NG Hairston Jr
Ecology letters 15 (5), 492-501, 2012
The evolution of sex is favoured during adaptation to new environments
L Becks, AF Agrawal
PLoS biology 10 (5), e1001317, 2012
Higher rates of sex evolve in spatially heterogeneous environments
L Becks, AF Agrawal
Nature 468 (7320), 89-92, 2010
Rapid contemporary evolution and clonal food web dynamics
LE Jones, L Becks, SP Ellner, NG Hairston Jr, T Yoshida, GF Fussmann
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 364 …, 2009
Eco‐evolutionary dynamics in a coevolving host–virus system
J Frickel, M Sieber, L Becks
Ecology letters 19 (4), 450-459, 2016
Consumer co-evolution as an important component of the eco-evolutionary feedback
T Hiltunen, L Becks
Nature communications 5 (1), 5226, 2014
Why rapid, adaptive evolution matters for community dynamics
H Koch, J Frickel, M Valiadi, L Becks
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2, 17, 2014
Rapid prey evolution and the dynamics of two-predator food webs
SP Ellner, L Becks
Theoretical Ecology 4 (2), 133-152, 2011
Environmental fluctuations restrict eco-evolutionary dynamics in predator–prey system
T Hiltunen, GB Ayan, L Becks
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282 (1808), 20150013, 2015
Trait–fitness relationships determine how trade‐off shapes affect species coexistence
E Ehrlich, L Becks, U Gaedke
Ecology 98 (12), 3188-3198, 2017
Sublethal streptomycin concentrations and lytic bacteriophage together promote resistance evolution
J Cairns, L Becks, M Jalasvuori, T Hiltunen
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Dual-stressor selection alters eco-evolutionary dynamics in experimental communities
T Hiltunen, J Cairns, J Frickel, M Jalasvuori, J Laakso, V Kaitala, S Künzel, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (12), 1974-1981, 2018
Rapid evolution of hosts begets species diversity at the cost of intraspecific diversity
J Frickel, L Theodosiou, L Becks
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (42), 11193-11198, 2017
The effect of sex on the mean and variance of fitness in facultatively sexual rotifers
L Becks, AF Agrawal
Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24 (3), 656-664, 2011
Population size changes and selection drive patterns of parallel evolution in a host–virus system
J Frickel, PGD Feulner, E Karakoc, L Becks
Nature communications 9 (1), 1706, 2018
Dynamical trade-offs arise from antagonistic coevolution and decrease intraspecific diversity
W Huang, A Traulsen, B Werner, T Hiltunen, L Becks
Nature Communications 8 (1), 2059, 2017
Eco-evolutionary feedback promotes Red Queen dynamics and selects for sex in predator populations
J Haafke, M Abou Chakra, L Becks
Evolution 70 (3), 641-652, 2016
Towards a general understanding of bacterial interactions
Z Zhang, M van Kleunen, L Becks, MP Thakur
Trends in Microbiology 28 (10), 783-785, 2020
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Articles 1–20