Desired and actual labour supply of unmarried men and women in the Netherlands R Euwals, A Van Soest Labour Economics 6 (1), 95-118, 1999 | 210 | 1999 |
The trend in female labour force participation: what can be expected for the future? R Euwals, M Knoef, D Van Vuuren Empirical Economics 40, 729-753, 2011 | 202 | 2011 |
Immigration and the Dutch economy HJ Roodenburg, RW Euwals, HJM Rele CPB, 2003 | 155 | 2003 |
Explaining the growth of part‐time employment: Factors of supply and demand R Euwals, M Hogerbrugge Labour 20 (3), 533-557, 2006 | 147 | 2006 |
Female labour supply, flexibility of working hours, and job mobility R Euwals The Economic Journal 111 (471), 120-134, 2001 | 136 | 2001 |
Early retirement behaviour in the Netherlands: Evidence from a policy reform R Euwals, D Van Vuuren, R Wolthoff De Economist 158, 209-236, 2010 | 131 | 2010 |
Rethinking retirement R Euwals, RA de Mooij, D Van Vuuren CPB, 2009 | 93 | 2009 |
Training intensity and first labor market outcomes of apprenticeship graduates R Euwals, R Winkelmann international Journal of manpower 25 (5), 447-462, 2004 | 90 | 2004 |
Citizenship and labor market position: Turkish immigrants in Germany and the Netherlands R Euwals, J Dagevos, M Gijsberts, H Roodenburg International Migration Review 44 (3), 513-538, 2010 | 87 | 2010 |
Who determines household savings for old age? Evidence from Dutch panel data R Euwals, A Eymann, A Börsch-Supan Journal of Economic Psychology 25 (2), 195-211, 2004 | 81 | 2004 |
Do mandatory pensions decrease household savings? Evidence for the Netherlands R Euwals De Economist 148 (5), 643-670, 2000 | 74 | 2000 |
Immigration, integration and the labour market: Turkish immigrants in Germany and the Netherlands R Euwals, J Dagevos, M Gijsberts, H Roodenburg IZA discussion paper, 2007 | 70 | 2007 |
Is Part‐time Employment Here to Stay? Working Hours of Dutch Women over Successive Generations N Bosch, A Deelen, R Euwals Labour 24 (1), 35-54, 2010 | 68 | 2010 |
The labour market position of Turkish immigrants in Germany and the Netherlands: Reason for migration, naturalisation and language proficiency R Euwals, J Dagevos, M Gijsberts, H Roodenburg IZA Discussion paper, 2007 | 60 | 2007 |
Early Retirement Behaviour in the Netherlands-Evidence from a Policy Reform R Euwals, DJ van Vuuren, RP Wolthoff CEPR Discussion Paper, 2006 | 56 | 2006 |
Mobility after apprenticeship-evidence from register data R Euwals, R Winkelmann KONJUNKTURPOLITIK-BERLIN- 48 (3/4), 256-278, 2002 | 50 | 2002 |
Testing the predictive value of subjective labour supply data R Euwals, B Melenberg, A van Soest Journal of Applied Econometrics 13 (5), 567-585, 1998 | 50 | 1998 |
Rethinking retirement; from participation towards allocation R Euwals, R de Mooij, D van Vuuren CPB Special Publication, 2009 | 49 | 2009 |
Labour market flexibility in the Netherlands F Cörvers, R Euwals, A de Grip Centraal Planbureau, The Hague, 2011 | 45 | 2011 |
Why Do Firms Train? Empirical Evidence on the First Labor Market Outcomes of Graduate Apprentices R Euwals, R Winkelmann Empirical Evidence on the First Labor Market Outcomes of Graduate …, 2001 | 45 | 2001 |