Martina Panfili
Martina Panfili
Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering "Antonio Ruberti" at Sapienza University
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Cited by
Optimal Planning and Routing in Medium Voltage PowerLine Communications Networks
S Canale, A Di Giorgio, A Lanna, A Mercurio, M Panfili, A Pietrabissa
Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on, 1-9, 2012
A resource allocation algorithm of multi-cloud resources based on markov decision process
G Oddi, M Panfili, A Pietrabissa, L Zuccaro, V Suraci
2013 IEEE 5th international conference on cloud computing technology and …, 2013
An approximate dynamic programming approach to resource management in multi-cloud scenarios
A Pietrabissa, FD Priscoli, A Di Giorgio, A Giuseppi, M Panfili, V Suraci
International Journal of Control 90 (3), 492-503, 2017
A game-theoretical approach to cyber-security of critical infrastructures based on multi-agent reinforcement learning
M Panfili, A Giuseppi, A Fiaschetti, HB Al-Jibreen, A Pietrabissa, ...
2018 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 460-465, 2018
A future internet oriented user centric extended intelligent transportation system
S Canale, A Di Giorgio, F Lisi, M Panfili, LR Celsi, V Suraci, FD Priscoli
2016 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 1133-1139, 2016
Resilient planning of powerline communications networks over medium voltage distribution grids
S Canale, FD Priscoli, A Di Giorgio, A Lanna, A Mercurio, M Panfili, ...
2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED), 710-715, 2012
A multi-agent reinforcement learning based approach to quality of experience control in future internet networks
B Stefano, DP Francesco, GG Claudio, M Salvatore, P Martina, P Antonio, ...
2015 34th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 6495-6500, 2015
A Q-Learning based approach to Quality of Experience control in cognitive Future Internet networks
LR Celsi, S Battilotti, F Cimorelli, CG Giorgi, S Monaco, M Panfili, V Suraci, ...
2015 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 1045-1052, 2015
Resource management in multi-cloud scenarios via reinforcement learning
P Antonio, B Stefano, F Francisco, G Alessandro, O Guido, P Martina, ...
2015 34th Chinese Control Conference (CCC), 9084-9089, 2015
Approaches for Future Internet Architecture Design and Quality of Experience (QoE) Control
S Battilotti, F DELLI PRISCOLI, C GORI GIORGI, A Pietrabissa, S Monaco, ...
WSEAS Transactions on Communications 14, 62-73, 2015
A lexicographic approach to constrained MDP admission control
M Panfili, A Pietrabissa, G Oddi, V Suraci
International Journal of Control 89 (2), 235-247, 2016
Attack-surface metrics, osstmm and common criteria based approach to “composable security” in complex systems
A Fiaschetti, A Lanna, M Panfili, S Mignanti, A Pietrabissa, ...
WSEAS Transactions on Systems 14, 187-202, 2015
CADUCEO: A Platform to Support Federated Healthcare Facilities through Artificial Intelligence
D Menegatti, A Giuseppi, F Delli Priscoli, A Pietrabissa, A Di Giorgio, ...
Healthcare 11 (15), 2199, 2023
Optimal control of industrial assembly lines
F Liberati, A Tortorelli, C Mazquiaran, M Imran, M Panfili
2020 7th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information …, 2020
Control architecture to provide E2E security in interconnected systems: the (new) SHIELD approach
A Fiaschetti, A Morgagni, A Lanna, M Panfili, S Mignanti, R Cusani, ...
Advances in Information Science and Applications 2, 359-365, 2014
Overall system architecture and interfaces
D Christofi, GD PTL, G Gardikis, EM Bourdena, E Pallis, PP LUH, ...
The SHIELD Approach
A Fiaschetti, P Azzoni, J Noll, R Uribeetxeberria, A Pietrabissa, FD Priscoli, ...
Measurable and Composable Security, Privacy, and Dependability for …, 2017
An Approach Based on Reinforcement Learning for Quality of Experience (QoE) Control
S Battilotti, F Cimorelli, F DELLI PRISCOLI, C GORI GIORGI, S Monaco, ...
An Approach Based on Reinforcement Learning for Quality of Experience (QoE) Control
F Cimorelli, M Panfili, S Battilotti, FD Priscoli, CG Giorgi, S Monaco
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Articles 1–19