Yuanshi Zheng(郑元世)
Yuanshi Zheng(郑元世)
Center for Complex Systems, School of Mechano-electronic Engineering, Xidian University
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Cited by
Consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems
Y Zheng, Y Zhu, L Wang
Control Theory & Applications, IET 5 (16), 1881-1888, 2011
Consensus of Hybrid Multi-agent Systems
Y Zheng, J Ma, L Wang
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems/ arXiv preprint …, 2017
Finite-time consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems with and without velocity measurements
Y Zheng, L Wang
Systems & Control Letters 61 (8), 871-878, 2012
Containment control of heterogeneous multi-agent systems
Y Zheng, L Wang
International Journal of Control 87 (1), 1-8, 2014
Consensus of switched multi-agent systems
Y Zheng, L Wang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems—II: Express Briefs 63 (3), 314-318, 2016
Bipartite consensus in networks of agents with antagonistic interactions and quantization
Y Zhu, S Li, J Ma, Y Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 65 (12), 2012-2016, 2018
Finite-time consensus of switched multiagent systems
X Lin, Y Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 47 (7), 1535-1545, 2016
Consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems without velocity measurements
Y Zheng, L Wang
International Journal of Control 85 (7), 906-914, 2012
Second-order consensus of hybrid multi-agent systems
Y Zheng, Q Zhao, J Ma, L Wang
Systems & Control Letters 125, 51-58, 2019
Distributed consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems with fixed and switching topologies
Y Zheng, L Wang
International Journal of Control 85 (12), 1967-1976, 2012
Fully distributed scaled consensus tracking of high-order multiagent systems with time delays and disturbances
Z Zhang, S Chen, Y Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (1), 305-314, 2021
LQR‐based optimal topology of leader‐following consensus
J Ma, Y Zheng, L Wang
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 25 (17), 3404-3421, 2015
Consensus analysis of hybrid multiagent systems: a game‐theoretic approach
J Ma, M Ye, Y Zheng, Y Zhu
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 29 (6), 1840-1853, 2019
Consensus of Multi-agent Systems with Distance-dependent Communication Networks
G JIng, Y Zheng, L Wang
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2016
Finite-time consensus for stochastic multi-agent systems
Y Zheng, W Chen, L Wang
International Journal of Control 84 (10), 1644-1652, 2011
A novel group consensus protocol for heterogeneous multi-agent systems
Y Zheng, L Wang
International Journal of Control 88 (11), 2347-2353, 2015
Resilient bipartite consensus of second-order multiagent systems with event-triggered communication
J Wu, Y Zhu, Y Zheng, H Wang
IEEE Systems Journal 17 (1), 146-153, 2021
Finite-time consensus of multiple second-order dynamic agents without velocity measurements
Y Zheng, Y Zhu, L Wang
International Journal of Systems Science 45 (3), 579-588, 2014
Iterative learning control for discrete-time systems with full learnability
J Liu, X Ruan, Y Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 33 (2), 629-643, 2020
Flocking of multi-agent systems with multiple groups
G Jing, Y Zheng, L Wang
International Journal of Control 87 (12), 2573-2582, 2014
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Articles 1–20