MAC Akmal Jahan
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Cited by
Locating tables in scanned documents for reconstructing and republishing
MACA Jahan, RG Ragel
7th International Conference on Information and Automation for …, 2014
Plagiarism Detection on Electronic Text based Assignments using Vector Space Model (ICIAfS14)
MAC Jiffriya, MAC Akmal Jahan, RG Ragel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.7782, 2014
AntiPlag: Plagiarism Detection on Electronic Submissions of Text Based Assignments
MAC Jiffriya, MAC Akmal Jahan, RG Ragel, S Deegalla
arXiv preprint arXiv:1403.1310, 2014
Plagiarism detection tools and techniques: A comprehensive survey
M Jiffriya, MA Jahan, R Ragel
Journal of Science-FAS-SEUSL 2 (02), 47-64, 2021
Fingerprint Systems: Sensors, Image Acquisition, Interoperability and Challenges
AJ Mohamed Abdul Cader, J Banks, V Chandran
Sensors 23 (14), 6591, 2023
Contactless finger recognition using invariants from higher order spectra of ridge orientation profiles
MAC Akmal-Jahan, J Banks, I Tomeo-Reyes, V Chandran
2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), http …, 2018
Accelerating text-based plagiarism detection using gpus
MAC Jiffriya, MACA Jahan, H Gamaarachchi, RG Ragel
2015 IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial and Information …, 2015
Contactless multiple finger segments based identity verification using information fusion from higher order spectral invariants
MAC Akmal-Jahan, K Nguyen, J Banks, V Chandran
2018 15th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based …, 2018
The effect of evolutionary algorithm in Gene subset selection for cancer classification
MNF Fajila, MAC Jahan
Modern Education and Computer Science Press, 2018
HOS-FingerCode: Bispectral invariants based contactless multi-finger recognition system using ridge orientation and feature fusion
VC Akmal-Jahan Mohamed-Abdul-Cader, Kien Nguyen Thanh, Jasmine Banks
Expert Systems with Applications, 2022
Minutiae Triangle Graphs: A New Fingerprint Representation with Invariance Properties
AJ Mohamed-Abdul-Cader, W Chaidee, J Banks, V Chandran
2019 International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand …, 2019
Invariant Feature Encoding for Contact Handprints Using Delaunay Triangulated Graph
AJ Mohamed Abdul Cader, J Banks, V Chandran
Applied Sciences 13 (19), 10874, 2023
Optimisation of plagiarism detection using vector space model on CUDA architecture
JMA Cader, AJMA Cader, H Gamaarachchi, RG Ragel
International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications 13 (4), 232-244, 2022
OPD-PMMAS: Patient management and mobile alert system for OPDs in Sri Lankan hospitals-a prototype
MAC Akmal Jahan, R Subodha, S Faarija
Faculty of Technology, SEUSL., 2021
Rotation and Scale Invariant Bispectral Feature Based Recognition of Contactless Palmprints
MAC Akmal-Jahan, J Banks, KN Thanh, V Chandran
Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Image and Vision …, 2019
Separating tables from text and non-text objects in printed documents for digital reconstruction
MACA Jahan, RG Ragel
2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems …, 2017
Automated Text Summarization of Sinhala online Articles
MACAJKKC Wijesekara
Journal of Science 4 (01), 1-15, 2023
Decision tree based automated prediction of infant low birth weight
MAC Akmal Jahan, AM Razmy
Faculty of Applied Sciences, South Eastern University Sri Lanka, Sammanthurai., 2020
Reproducing tables in scanned documents
MACA Jahan, RG Ragel
Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 44 (4), 2016
Locating Tables in Scanned Documents for Reconstructing and Republishing (ICIAfS14)
MAC Akmal Jahan, R Ragel
CoRR, 2014
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Articles 1–20