elmoubasher farag
elmoubasher farag
Qatar University -Qatar
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Global prevalence and genotype distribution of hepatitis C virus infection in 2015: a modelling study
S Blach, S Zeuzem, M Manns, I Altraif, AS Duberg, DH Muljono, I Waked, ...
The lancet Gastroenterology & hepatology 2 (3), 161-176, 2017
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in dromedary camels: an outbreak investigation
BL Haagmans, SHS Al Dhahiry, CBEM Reusken, VS Raj, M Galiano, ...
The Lancet infectious diseases 14 (2), 140-145, 2014
One Health: A new definition for a sustainable and healthy future
WB Adisasmito, S Almuhairi, CB Behravesh, P Bilivogui, SA Bukachi, ...
PLoS pathogens 18 (6), e1010537, 2022
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) origin and animal reservoir
HA Mohd, JA Al-Tawfiq, ZA Memish
Virology journal 13, 1-7, 2016
WHO-convened Global Study of Origins of SARS-CoV-2: China Part
WHO …, 2021
Isolation of MERS coronavirus from a dromedary camel, Qatar, 2014
VS Raj, EABA Farag, CBEM Reusken, MM Lamers, SD Pas, J Voermans, ...
Emerging infectious diseases 20 (8), 1339, 2014
A comprehensive review of viral characteristics, transmission, pathophysiology, immune response, and management of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 as a basis for controlling the pandemic
CR Triggle, D Bansal, H Ding, MM Islam, EABA Farag, HA Hadi, ...
Frontiers in immunology 12, 631139, 2021
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) RNA and neutralising antibodies in milk collected according to local customs from dromedary camels, Qatar, April 2014
CB Reusken, EA Farag, M Jonges, GJ Godeke, AM El-Sayed, SD Pas, ...
Eurosurveillance 19 (23), 20829, 2014
Immunogenicity of an adenoviral-based Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus vaccine in BALB/c mice
E Kim, K Okada, T Kenniston, VS Raj, MM AlHajri, EABA Farag, F AlHajri, ...
Vaccine 32 (45), 5975-5982, 2014
High proportion of MERS-CoV shedding dromedaries at slaughterhouse with a potential epidemiological link to human cases, Qatar 2014
EABA Farag, CBEM Reusken, BL Haagmans, KA Mohran, VS Raj, ...
Infection Ecology & Epidemiology 5 (1), 28305, 2015
Sensitive and specific detection of low-level antibody responses in mild Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infections
NMA Okba, VS Raj, IVY Widjaja, CH GeurtsvanKessel, E De Bruin, ...
Emerging infectious diseases 25 (10), 1868, 2019
MERS-CoV infection of alpaca in a region where MERS-CoV is endemic
CBEM Reusken, C Schilp, VS Raj, E De Bruin, RHG Kohl, EABA Farag, ...
Emerging Infectious Diseases 22 (6), 1129, 2016
Occupational exposure to dromedaries and risk for MERS-CoV infection, Qatar, 2013–2014
CBEM Reusken, EABA Farag, BL Haagmans, KA Mohran, ...
Emerging infectious diseases 21 (8), 1422, 2015
Global status of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in dromedary camels: a systematic review
RS Sikkema, E Farag, M Islam, M Atta, C Reusken, MM Al-Hajri, ...
Epidemiology & Infection 147, e84, 2019
SARS-CoV-2 infection is at herd immunity in the majority segment of the population of Qatar
MH Al-Thani, E Farag, R Bertollini, HE Al Romaihi, S Abdeen, ...
Open Forum Infectious Diseases 8 (8), ofab221, 2021
COVID-19: learning from lessons to guide treatment and prevention interventions
CR Triggle, D Bansal, EABA Farag, H Ding, AA Sultan
MSphere 5 (3), 10.1128/msphere. 00317-20, 2020
Comparative Serological Study for the Prevalence of Anti‐MERS Coronavirus Antibodies in High‐and Low‐Risk Groups in Qatar
RA Al Kahlout, GK Nasrallah, EA Farag, L Wang, E Lattwein, MA Müller, ...
Journal of immunology research 2019 (1), 1386740, 2019
Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region, 2001-2018
IJHPM Mostafavi E, Ghasemian A, Abdinasir A, et al. Emerging and re-emerging ...
h p:// Int J Health Policy Manag 2021, x(x), 1–15, 2021
Developing one health surveillance systems
OHHLE Panel, DTS Hayman, WB Adisasmito, S Almuhairi, CB Behravesh, ...
One Health, 100617, 2023
Prevalence and trends of transfusion transmissible infections among blood donors in the State of Qatar, 2013–2017
M Aabdien, N Selim, S Himatt, S Hmissi, Z Merenkov, N AlKubaisi, ...
BMC infectious diseases 20, 1-9, 2020
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