Chiara Romano
Chiara Romano
University of Gastronomic Sciences, Italia
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Effect of salinity and temperature on feeding physiology and scope for growth of an invasive species (Brachidontes pharaonis-Mollusca: Bivalvia) within the Mediterranean Sea
G Sarà, C Romano, J Widdows, FJ Staff
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 363 (1-2), 130-136, 2008
The distribution of megabenthic, invertebrate epifauna in the Balearic Basin (western Mediterranean) between 400 and 2300 m: Environmental gradients influencing assemblages …
JE Cartes, F Maynou, E Fanelli, C Romano, V Mamouridis, V Papiol
Journal of Sea Research 61 (4), 244-257, 2009
The new Lessepsian entry Brachidontes pharaonis (Fischer P., 1870)(Bivalvia, Mytilidae) in the western Mediterranean: a physiological analysis under varying natural conditions
G Sarà, C Romano, M Caruso, A Mazzola
Journal of Shellfish Research 19 (2), 967-977, 2000
Impact of Enteromorpha intestinalis mats on near-bed currents and sediment dynamics: flume studies
C Romano, J Widdows, MD Brinsley, FJ Staff
Marine ecology progress series 256, 63-74, 2003
A new Lessepsian species in the western Mediterranean (Brachidontes pharaonis Bivalvia: Mytilidae): density, resource allocation and biomass
G Sarà, C Romano, A Mazzola
Mar. Fresh. Biodiv. Published on line. doi 10, S175526720600087X, 2006
Trophodynamic effects of trawling on the feeding ecology of pandora, Pagellus erythrinus, off the northern Sicily coast (Mediterranean Sea)
E Fanelli, F Badalamenti, G D’Anna, C Pipitone, C Romano
Marine and Freshwater Research 61 (4), 408-417, 2010
Immediate biomarker responses to benzo [a] pyrene in polluted and unpolluted populations of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) at high-latitudes
HP Halldórsson, M De Pirro, C Romano, J Svavarsson, G Sarà
Environment international 34 (4), 483-489, 2008
Morphological and Genetic Diversity of the Wood-Boring Xylophaga (Mollusca, Bivalvia): New Species and Records from Deep-Sea Iberian Canyons
DM Chiara Romano, Janet Ruth Voight, Rocıo Perez-Portela
PLOS ONE 9 (7), 2014
Submarine canyons as the preferred habitat for wood-boring species of Xylophaga (Mollusca, Bivalvia)
C Romano, JR Voight, JB Company, M Plyuscheva, D Martin
Progress in Oceanography 118, 175-187, 2013
Sources of organic matter for intertidal consumers on Ascophyllum-shores (SW Iceland): a multi-stable isotope approach
G Sarà, M De Pirro, C Romano, P Rumolo, M Sprovieri, A Mazzola
Helgoland Marine Research 61 (4), 297-302, 2007
Microbial communities in sunken wood are structured by wood-boring bivalves and location in a submarine canyon
SK Fagervold, C Romano, D Kalenitchenko, C Borowski, A Nunes-Jorge, ...
PloS one 9 (5), e96248, 2014
Spatial and temporal variability of meiobenthic density in the Blanes submarine canyon (NW Mediterranean)
C Romano, J Coenjaerts, MM Flexas, D Zúñiga, A Vanreusel, ...
Progress in Oceanography 118, 144-158, 2013
Spatial and temporal infaunal dynamics of the Blanes submarine canyon-slope system (NW Mediterranean); changes in nematode standing stocks, feeding types and gender-life stage …
J Ingels, A Vanreusel, C Romano, J Coenjaerts, MM Flexas, D Zúñiga, ...
Progress in Oceanography 118, 159-174, 2013
Spatial variability of soft-bottom macrobenthic communities in northern Sicily (Western Mediterranean): Contrasting trawled vs. untrawled areas
C Romano, E Fanelli, G D'Anna, C Pipitone, S Vizzini, A Mazzola, ...
Marine environmental research 122, 113-125, 2016
Microbial communities associated with the degradation of oak wood in the Blanes submarine canyon and its adjacent open slope (NW Mediterranean)
SK Fagervold, S Bessette, C Romano, D Martin, M Plyuscheva, N Le Bris, ...
Progress in Oceanography 118, 137-143, 2013
Microbial community structure and functionality in the deep sea floor: evaluating the causes of spatial heterogeneity in a submarine canyon system (NW Mediterranean, Spain)
S Roman, R Ortiz-Álvarez, C Romano, EO Casamayor, D Martin
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 108, 2019
High spatiotemporal variability in meiofaunal assemblages in Blanes Canyon (NW Mediterranean) subject to anthropogenic and natural disturbances
S Román, A Vanreusel, C Romano, J Ingels, P Puig, JB Company, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 117, 70-83, 2016
Diversity of bacterial communities on sunken woods in the Mediterranean Sea
S Bessette, SK Fagervold, C Romano, D Martin, NL Bris, PE Galand
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 22 (1), 7, 2014
Biodiversity of suprabenthic peracarid assemblages from the Blanes Canyon region (NW Mediterranean Sea) in relation to natural disturbance and trawling pressure
M Almeida, I Frutos, JB Company, D Martin, C Romano, MR Cunha
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 137, 390-403, 2017
Diet and Plastic Ingestion in the Blackmouth Catshark Galeus melastomus, Rafinesque 1810, in Italian Waters
G Zicarelli, C Romano, S Gallo, C Valentino, V Pepe Bellomo, FL Leonetti, ...
Animals 13 (6), 1039, 2023
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