Frances Healey
Frances Healey
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Preventing falls and fall-related injuries in hospitals
D Oliver, F Healey, TP Haines
Clinics in geriatric medicine 26 (4), 645-692, 2010
Preventable deaths due to problems in care in English acute hospitals: a retrospective case record review study
H Hogan, F Healey, G Neale, R Thomson, C Vincent, N Black
BMJ quality & safety 21 (9), 737-745, 2012
Falls in English and Welsh hospitals: a national observational study based on retrospective analysis of 12 months of patient safety incident reports
F Healey, S Scobie, D Oliver, A Pryce, R Thomson, B Glampson
BMJ Quality & Safety 17 (6), 424-430, 2008
Using targeted risk factor reduction to prevent falls in older in-patients: a randomised controlled trial
F Healey, A Monro, A Cockram, V Adams, D Heseltine
Age and ageing 33 (4), 390-395, 2004
The effect of bedrails on falls and injury: a systematic review of clinical studies
F Healey, D Oliver, A Milne, JB Connelly
Age and ageing 37 (4), 368-378, 2008
A review of guidelines to distinguish between gastric and pulmonary placement of nasogastric tubes
NA Metheny, MM Krieger, F Healey, KL Meert
Heart & lung 48 (3), 226-235, 2019
Checking placement of nasogastric feeding tubes in adults (interpretation of x ray images): summary of a safety report from the National Patient Safety Agency
T Lamont, C Beaumont, A Fayaz, F Healey, T Huehns, R Law, C Lecko, ...
Bmj 342, 2011
Slips, trips and falls in hospital: third report from the Patient Safety Observatory: summary
F Healey, S Scobie
National Patient Safety Agency, 2007
Recognising and responding appropriately to early signs of deterioration in hospitalised patients
D Luettel, K Beaumont, F Healey
National Patient Safety Agency 21, 2007
Older patients and falls in hospital
F Healey, A Darowski
Clinical Risk 18 (5), 170-176, 2012
Falls prevention in hospitals and mental health units: an extended evaluation of the FallSafe quality improvement project
F Healey, D Lowe, A Darowski, J Windsor, J Treml, L Byrne, J Husk, ...
Age and ageing 43 (4), 484-491, 2014
Safer care for the acutely ill patient: learning from serious incidents
R Thomson, D Luettel, F Healey, S Scobie
London: National patient safety agency, 2007
A guide on how to prevent falls and injury in hospitals.
F Healey
Nursing Older People 22 (9), 2010
Which bed designs and patient characteristics increase bed rail use?
S Hignett, G Sands, M Fray, P Xanthopoulou, F Healey, P Griffiths
Age and Ageing 42 (4), 531-535, 2013
A pragmatic study of the predictive values of the Morse falls score
F Healey, TP Haines
Age and ageing 42 (4), 462-468, 2013
Reducing nasogastric tube misplacement through evidence-based practice
B Lyman, C Peyton, F Healey
Am Nurse Today 13 (11), 6-11, 2018
Bedrail use in English and Welsh hospitals
FM Healey, A Cronberg, D Oliver
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 57 (10), 1887-1891, 2009
Relationship between preventable hospital deaths and other measures of safety: an exploratory study
H Hogan, F Healey, G Neale, R Thomson, C Vincent, N Black
International journal for quality in health care 26 (3), 298-307, 2014
Learning from preventable deaths: exploring case record reviewers' narratives using change analysis
H Hogan, F Healey, G Neale, R Thomson, N Black, C Vincent
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 107 (9), 365-375, 2014
Early detection of complications after gastrostomy: summary of a safety report from the National Patient Safety Agency
F Healey, DS Sanders, T Lamont, J Scarpello, T Agbabiaka
Bmj 340, 2010
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Articles 1–20