Francesco Riminucci
Francesco Riminucci
Proambiente S.c.r.l. - Tecnopolo C.N.R., Via P. Gobetti, 101 40129 - BOLOGNA IT
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Seasonal and interannual trends of oceanographic parameters over 40 years in the northern Adriatic Sea in relation to nutrient loadings using the EMODnet chemistry data portal
F Grilli, S Accoroni, F Acri, F Bernardi Aubry, C Bergami, M Cabrini, ...
Water 12 (8), 2280, 2020
Mapping turbidity patterns in the Po river prodelta using multi-temporal Landsat 8 imagery
F Braga, L Zaggia, D Bellafiore, M Bresciani, C Giardino, G Lorenzetti, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 198, 555-567, 2017
Exceptional Bora outbreak in winter 2012: Validation and analysis of high-resolution atmospheric model simulations in the northern Adriatic area
S Davolio, P Stocchi, A Benetazzo, E Bohm, F Riminucci, M Ravaioli, ...
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 71, 1-20, 2015
The RITMARE Italian Fixed-Point Observatory Network (IFON) for marine environmental monitoring: A case study
M Ravaioli, C Bergami, F Riminucci, L Langone, V Cardin, A Di Sarra, ...
Journal of Operational Oceanography 9 (sup1), s202-s214, 2016
Interactions between volcanism and tectonics in the western Aeolian sector, southern Tyrrhenian Sea
G Bortoluzzi, M Ligi, C Romagnoli, L Cocchi, D Casalbore, T Sgroi, ...
Geophysical Journal International 183 (1), 64-78, 2010
Recent agglutinated foraminifera from the North Adriatic Sea: What the agglutinated tests can tell
L Capotondi, N Mancin, V Cesari, E Dinelli, M Ravaioli, F Riminucci
Marine Micropaleontology 147, 25-42, 2019
Styles and rates of deformation in the frontal accretionary wedge of the Calabrian Arc (Ionian Sea): controls exerted by the structure of the lower African plate
B Giovanni, P Alima, F Claudio, T Luigi, A Andrea, C Mirko, C Savino, ...
Italian Journal of Geosciences 136 (3), 347-364, 2016
Artificial spawning substrates and participatory research to foster cuttlefish stock recovery: a pilot study in the Adriatic Sea
F Grati, G Fabi, G Scarcella, S Guicciardi, P Penna, M Scanu, S Leoni, ...
PLoS One 13 (10), e0205877, 2018
Seasonal and Interannual Trends of Oceanographic Parameters over 40 Years in the Northern Adriatic Sea in Relation to Nutrient Loadings Using the EMODnet Chemistry Data Portal …
F Grilli, S Accoroni, F Acri, F Bernardi Aubry, C Bergami, M Cabrini, ...
Trace metals accumulation on modern sediments from Po river prodelta, North Adriatic Sea
F Riminucci, V Funari, M Ravaioli, L Capotondi
Marine Pollution Bulletin 175, 113399, 2022
A simple device for the on-site photodegradation of pesticide mixes remnants to avoid environmental point pollution
B Esposito, F Riminucci, S Di Marco, EG Metruccio, F Osti, S Sangiorgi, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (8), 3593, 2021
Natural versus anthropic influence on North Adriatic coast detected by geochemical analyses
E Barra, F Riminucci, E Dinelli, S Albertazzi, P Giordano, M Ravaioli, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (18), 6595, 2020
Operational use of continuous surface fluorescence measurements offshore Rimini to validate satellite-derived chlorophyll observations
E Böhm, F Riminucci, G Bortoluzzi, S Colella, F Acri, R Santoleri, ...
Journal of Operational Oceanography 9 (sup1), s167-s175, 2016
Calarc Group (2008)
A Polonia, L Torelli, R Capozzi, F Riminucci, A Artori, R Ramella
African‐Eurasian plate boundary in the Ionian Sea: Shortening and strike …, 2008
Multidisciplinary investigations at Panarea (Aeolian Islands) after the exhalative crisis of 2002
G Bortoluzzi, S Aliani, M Ligi, F D'Oriano, V Ferrante, F Riminucci, ...
Volume DTA/06-2011, 2011
Rapporto sulle attività oceanografiche, biologiche, geologiche e di manutenzione della stazione meda S1-GB svolte durante la campagna oceanografica LTER-ANOC16 (26-30 aprile …
M Bastianini, F Riminucci, L Capotondi, E Barra, S Pasqual, R Casotti, ...
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22197.68326, 2017
Rapporto sulle attività biologiche, oceanografiche, geologiche e di manutenzione della stazione Boa E1 svolte durante la campagna INTERNOS17 (14–21 marzo 2017) con N/O Minerva …
M Bastianini, F Riminucci, M Pansera, A Coluccelli, R Casotti, ...
Rapp. Tec. CNR-ISMAR 146, 1-37, 2017
NEAREST 2008 cruise preliminary report R/V Urania
G Carrara, L Matias, W Geissler, F D'Oriano, M Lagalante, G Cianchini, ...
African/Eurasian plate boundary in the Ionian Sea: shortening and strike slip deformation in the outer Calabrian Arc accretionary wedge.
A Polonia, L Torelli, R Capozzi, F Riminucci, A Artoni, R Ramella, ...
Rapporto preliminare sulle indagini di sismica a riflessione e rifrazione, morfobatimetriche e magnetometriche nel complesso dell'Isola di Panarea (Eolie, Tirreno Meridionale)
G Bortoluzzi, D Casalbore, M Cuffaro, F D'Oriano, V Ferrante, M Ligi, ...
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Articles 1–20