François Darchambeau
François Darchambeau
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Cited by
Globally significant greenhouse-gas emissions from African inland waters
AV Borges, F Darchambeau, CR Teodoru, TR Marwick, F Tamooh, ...
Nature Geoscience 8 (8), 637-642, 2015
Large overestimation of pCO2 calculated from pH and alkalinity in acidic, organic-rich freshwaters
G Abril, S Bouillon, F Darchambeau, CR Teodoru, TR Marwick, F Tamooh, ...
Biogeosciences 12 (1), 67-78, 2015
The age of river‐transported carbon: A global perspective
TR Marwick, F Tamooh, CR Teodoru, AV Borges, F Darchambeau, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 29 (2), 122-137, 2015
Effects of human land use on the terrestrial and aquatic sources of fluvial organic matter in a temperate river basin (The Meuse River, Belgium)
T Lambert, S Bouillon, F Darchambeau, C Morana, FAE Roland, JP Descy, ...
Biogeochemistry 136, 191-211, 2017
Effects of agricultural land use on fluvial carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide concentrations in a large European river, the Meuse (Belgium)
AV Borges, F Darchambeau, T Lambert, S Bouillon, C Morana, ...
Science of the Total Environment 610, 342-355, 2018
How Daphnia copes with excess carbon in its food
F Darchambeau, PJ Faerøvig, DO Hessen
Oecologia 136, 336-346, 2003
LakeMIP Kivu: evaluating the representation of a large, deep tropical lake by a set of one-dimensional lake models
WIM Thiery, VM Stepanenko, X Fang, KD Jöhnk, Z Li, A Martynov, ...
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 66 (1), 21390, 2014
Are diatoms good integrators of temporal variability in stream water quality?
I Lavoie, S Campeau, F Darchambeau, G Cabana, PJ Dillon
Freshwater biology 53 (4), 827-841, 2008
Dynamics of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) along the Zambezi River and major tributaries, and their importance in the riverine carbon budget
CR Teodoru, FC Nyoni, AV Borges, F Darchambeau, I Nyambe, ...
Biogeosciences 12 (8), 2431-2453, 2015
Variations in dissolved greenhouse gases (, , ) in the Congo River network overwhelmingly driven by fluvial-wetland connectivity
AV Borges, F Darchambeau, T Lambert, C Morana, GH Allen, E Tambwe, ...
Biogeosciences 16 (19), 3801-3834, 2019
Shift in the chemical composition of dissolved organic matter in the Congo River network
T Lambert, S Bouillon, F Darchambeau, P Massicotte, AV Borges
Biogeosciences 13 (18), 5405-5420, 2016
Divergent biophysical controls of aquatic CO2 and CH4 in the World’s two largest rivers
AV Borges, G Abril, F Darchambeau, CR Teodoru, J Deborde, LO Vidal, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 15614, 2015
Recovery from bark harvesting of 12 medicinal tree species in Benin, West Africa
C Delvaux, B Sinsin, F Darchambeau, P Van Damme
Journal of applied ecology 46 (3), 703-712, 2009
Bacterial community composition in three freshwater reservoirs of different alkalinity and trophic status
M Lliros, Ö Inceoğlu, T García-Armisen, A Anzil, B Leporcq, LM Pigneur, ...
PloS one 9 (12), e116145, 2014
Vertical distribution of ammonia-oxidizing crenarchaeota and methanogens in the epipelagic waters of Lake Kivu (Rwanda-Democratic Republic of the Congo)
M Llirós, F Gich, A Plasencia, JC Auguet, F Darchambeau, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76 (20), 6853-6863, 2010
Along-stream transport and transformation of dissolved organic matter in a large tropical river
T Lambert, CR Teodoru, FC Nyoni, S Bouillon, F Darchambeau, ...
Biogeosciences 13 (9), 2727-2741, 2016
Diffusive methane emissions to the atmosphere from Lake Kivu (Eastern Africa)
AV Borges, G Abril, B Delille, JP Descy, F Darchambeau
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 116 (G3), 2011
Understanding the performance of the FLake model over two African Great Lakes
W Thiery, A Martynov, F Darchambeau, JP Descy, PD Plisnier, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 7 (1), 317-337, 2014
Pelagic photoferrotrophy and iron cycling in a modern ferruginous basin
M Llirós, T García–Armisen, F Darchambeau, C Morana, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 13803, 2015
Primary production in a tropical large lake: The role of phytoplankton composition
F Darchambeau, H Sarmento, JP Descy
Science of the total environment 473, 178-188, 2014
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Articles 1–20