Lynne Coventry
Cited by
Cited by
Cybersecurity in healthcare: A narrative review of trends, threats and ways forward
L Coventry, D Branley
Maturitas 113, 48-52, 2018
Is a picture really worth a thousand words? Exploring the feasibility of graphical authentication systems
A De Angeli, L Coventry, G Johnson, K Renaud
International journal of human-computer studies 63 (1-2), 128-152, 2005
Risk perceptions of cyber-security and precautionary behaviour
P Van Schaik, D Jeske, J Onibokun, L Coventry, J Jansen, P Kusev
Computers in Human Behavior 75, 547-559, 2017
Usability and biometric verification at the ATM interface
L Coventry, A De Angeli, G Johnson
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2003
Principles of persuasion in social engineering and their use in phishing
A Ferreira, L Coventry, G Lenzini
Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust: Third …, 2015
The unfriendly user: exploring social reactions to chatterbots
A De Angeli, GI Johnson, L Coventry
Proceedings of the international conference on affective human factors …, 2001
VIP: a visual approach to user authentication
A De Angeli, M Coutts, L Coventry, GI Johnson, D Cameron, MH Fischer
Proceedings of the working conference on advanced visual interfaces, 316-323, 2002
Unpacking security policy compliance: The motivators and barriers of employees’ security behaviors
JM Blythe, L Coventry, L Little
Eleventh Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security ({SOUPS} 2015), 103-122, 2015
Introducing ATMs in India: a contextual inquiry
A De Angeli, U Athavankar, A Joshi, L Coventry, GI Johnson
Interacting with Computers 16 (1), 29-44, 2004
Self-service terminal
CGV Rohan, SW Swaine, LM Coventry, DC McGinn, A Colley, PN Day, ...
US Patent App. 29/375,994, 2012
Barriers to older adults’ uptake of mobile-based mental health interventions
J Pywell, S Vijaykumar, A Dodd, L Coventry
Digital health 6, 2055207620905422, 2020
Video conferencing in higher education
L Coventry
Support Initiative for Multimedia Applications, 1995
Costly but effective: Comparing the factors that influence employee anti-malware behaviours
JM Blythe, L Coventry
Computers in Human Behavior 87, 87-97, 2018
" If It's Important It Will Be A Headline" Cybersecurity Information Seeking in Older Adults
J Nicholson, L Coventry, P Briggs
Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2019
Behavior change interventions for cybersecurity
P Briggs, D Jeske, L Coventry
Behavior change research and theory, 115-136, 2017
SCENE: A structured means for creating and evaluating behavioral nudges in a cyber security environment
L Coventry, P Briggs, D Jeske, A Van Moorsel
Design, User Experience, and Usability. Theories, Methods, and Tools for …, 2014
Using behavioural insights to improve the public’s use of cyber security best practices
JM Blythe
Government office for science, 2014
Self-service terminal
CGV Rohan, SW Swaine, LM Coventry, DC McGinn, A Colley, PN Day, ...
US Patent App. 29/376,023, 2012
Nudging towards security: Developing an application for wireless network selection for android phones
J Turland, L Coventry, D Jeske, P Briggs, A Van Moorsel
Proceedings of the 2015 British HCI conference, 193-201, 2015
Functional privacy concerns of older adults about pervasive health-monitoring systems
A McNeill, P Briggs, J Pywell, L Coventry
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on pervasive technologies …, 2017
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Articles 1–20