Jörgen Hansson
Jörgen Hansson
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Misconceptions about real-time databases
JA Stankovic, SH Son, J Hansson
Computer 32 (6), 29-36, 1999
Model-based engineering in the embedded systems domain: an industrial survey on the state-of-practice
G Liebel, N Marko, M Tichy, A Leitner, J Hansson
Software & Systems Modeling 17, 91-113, 2018
Specification and management of QoS in real-time databases supporting imprecise computations
M Amirijoo, J Hansson, SH Son
IEEE Transactions on Computers 55 (3), 304-319, 2006
DeeDS towards a distributed and active real-time database system
SF Andler, J Hansson, J Eriksson, J Mellin, M Berndtsson, B Eftring
ACM Sigmod Record 25 (1), 38-51, 1996
Assessing the state-of-practice of model-based engineering in the embedded systems domain
G Liebel, N Marko, M Tichy, A Leitner, J Hansson
Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: 17th International …, 2014
Aspects and components in real-time system development: Towards reconfigurable and reusable software
A Tešanović, D Nyström, J Hansson, C Norström
Journal of embedded computing 1 (1), 17-37, 2005
Data management in real-time systems: a case of on-demand updates in vehicle control systems
T Gustafsson, J Hansson
Proceedings. RTAS 2004. 10th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and …, 2004
Dynamic on-demand updating of data in real-time database systems
T Gustafsson, J Hansson
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 846-853, 2004
Selecting software reliability growth models and improving their predictive accuracy using historical projects data
R Rana, M Staron, C Berger, J Hansson, M Nilsson, F Törner, W Meding, ...
Journal of Systems and Software 98, 59-78, 2014
Planning and Implementing your Final Year Project—with Success!: A Guide for Students in Computer Science and Information Systems
M Berndtsson, J Hansson, B Olsson, B Lundell
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Flow latency analysis with the architecture analysis and design language (AADL)
PH Feiler, J Hansson
Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute, 2007
COMET: a component-based real-time database for automotive systems
D Nyström, A Tešanovic, M Nolin, C Norström, J Hansson
Proceedings of the workshop on software engineering for automotive systems, 1-8, 2004
A framework for adoption of machine learning in industry for software defect prediction
R Rana, M Staron, J Hansson, M Nilsson, W Meding
2014 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications …, 2014
COTS-architecture with a real-time OS for a self-driving miniature vehicle
C Berger, J Hansson
SAFECOMP 2013-Workshop ASCoMS (Architecting Safety in Collaborative Mobile …, 2013
An adaptable security manager for real-time transactions
SH Son, R Zimmerman, J Hansson
Proceedings 12th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems. Euromicro RTS …, 2000
Identifying risky areas of software code in Agile/Lean software development: An industrial experience report
V Antinyan, M Staron, W Meding, P Österström, E Wikstrom, J Wranker, ...
2014 Software Evolution Week-IEEE Conference on Software Maintenance …, 2014
Thesis projects: a guide for students in computer science and information systems
M Berndtsson, J Hansson, B Olsson, B Lundell
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
Analysis of aging of commercial composite metal oxide–Li4Ti5O12 battery cells
P Svens, R Eriksson, J Hansson, M Behm, T Gustafsson, G Lindbergh
Journal of Power Sources 270, 131-141, 2014
Dashboards for continuous monitoring of quality for software product under development
M Staron, W Meding, J Hansson, C Höglund, K Niesel, V Bergmann
Relating System Quality and Software Architecture, 209-229, 2014
Evaluating long-term predictive power of standard reliability growth models on automotive systems
R Rana, M Staron, C Berger, J Hansson, M Nilsson, F Törner
2013 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2013
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Articles 1–20