Joseph J. Fontaine
Joseph J. Fontaine
Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Nebraska
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Adaptive management for a turbulent future
CR Allen, JJ Fontaine, KL Pope, AS Garmestani
Journal of environmental management 92 (5), 1339-1345, 2011
Parent birds assess nest predation risk and adjust their reproductive strategies
JJ Fontaine, TE Martin
Ecology letters 9 (4), 428-434, 2006
Parental care and clutch sizes in North and South American birds
TE Martin, PR Martin, CR Olson, BJ Heidinger, JJ Fontaine
Science 287 (5457), 1482-1485, 2000
Habitat selection responses of parents to offspring predation risk: an experimental test
JJ Fontaine, TE Martin
The American Naturalist 168 (6), 811-818, 2006
Breeding biology of passerines in a subtropical montane forest in northwestern Argentina
SK Auer, RD Bassar, JJ Fontaine, TE Martin
The Condor 109 (2), 321-333, 2007
Life‐history and ecological correlates of geographic variation in egg and clutch mass among passerine species
TE Martin, RD Bassar, SK Bassar, JJ Fontaine, P Lloyd, HA Mathewson, ...
Evolution 60 (2), 390-398, 2006
Testing ecological and behavioral correlates of nest predation
JJ Fontaine, M Martel, HM Markland, AM Niklison, KL Decker, TE Martin
Oikos 116 (11), 1887-1894, 2007
Flower power: tree flowering phenology as a settlement cue for migrating birds
LJ McGrath, C Van Riper III, JJ Fontaine
Journal of Animal Ecology, 22-30, 2009
Improving our legacy: Incorporation of adaptive management into state wildlife action plans
JJ Fontaine
Journal of Environmental Management 92 (5), 1403-1408, 2011
A Bayesian method for assessing multi-scale species-habitat relationships
EF Stuber, LF Gruber, JJ Fontaine
Landscape Ecology 32, 2365-2381, 2017
Nest predation, food, and female age explain seasonal declines in clutch size
KL Decker, CJ Conway, JJ Fontaine
Evolutionary Ecology 26, 683-699, 2012
Assessing landscape constraints on species abundance: does the neighborhood limit species response to local habitat conservation programs?
CF Jorgensen, LA Powell, JJ Lusk, AA Bishop, JJ Fontaine
PLoS One 9 (6), e99339, 2014
Landowner and practitioner perspectives on private land conservation programs
ML Lute, CR Gillespie, DR Martin, JJ Fontaine
Society & Natural Resources 31 (2), 218-231, 2018
Are agrofuels a conservation threat or opportunity for grassland birds in the United States?
BA Robertson, RA Rice, TS Sillett, CA Ribic, BA Babcock, DA Landis, ...
The Condor 114 (4), 679-688, 2012
Spatial and temporal variation in climate change: a bird’s eye view
JJ Fontaine, KL Decker, SK Skagen, C van Riper III
Climatic Change 97 (1), 305-311, 2009
How characteristic is the species characteristic selection scale?
EF Stuber, JJ Fontaine
Global Ecology and Biogeography 28 (12), 1839-1854, 2019
Adaptive management of rangeland systems
CR Allen, DG Angeler, JJ Fontaine, AS Garmestani, NM Hart, KL Pope, ...
Rangeland Systems: Processes, management and challenges, 373-394, 2017
Ecological neighborhoods as a framework for umbrella species selection
EF Stuber, JJ Fontaine
Biological Conservation 223, 112-119, 2018
Shorebird stopover habitat decisions in a changing landscape
CR Gillespie, JJ Fontaine
The Journal of Wildlife Management 81 (6), 1051-1062, 2017
Understanding sportsperson retention and reactivation through license purchasing behavior
MP Hinrichs, NB Price, MP Gruntorad, KL Pope, JJ Fontaine, CJ Chizinski
Wildlife Society Bulletin 44 (2), 383-390, 2020
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Articles 1–20