Mohammedi Ridha Djamel
Mohammedi Ridha Djamel
Ziane Achour University of Djelfa
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Optimum dynamic distribution network reconfiguration using minimum spanning tree algorithm
M Mosbah, S Arif, RD Mohammedi, A Hellal
2017 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering-Boumerdes (ICEE …, 2017
Optimal of shunt capacitor placement and size in Algerian distribution network using particle swarm optimization
M Mosbah, RD Mohammedi, S Arif, A Hellal
2016 8th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control …, 2016
Multi-objective optimization for optimal multi DG placement and sizes in distribution network based on NSGA-II and fuzzy logic combination
M Mosbah, S Arif, RD Mohammedi
2017 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering-Boumerdes (ICEE …, 2017
Optimal DG placement and sizing in radial distribution systems using NSGA-II for power loss minimization and voltage stability enhancement
RD Mohammedi, A Hellal, S Arif, M Mosbah
International Review of Electrical Engineering 8 (06), 2013
Optimal PMU placement in power system based on multi-objective particle swarm optimization
LA Azzeddine, MR Djamel, K Abdellah, RM Mounir
2018 15th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD …, 2018
Genetic algorithms based optimal load shedding with transient stability constraints
M Mosbah, A Hellal, R djamel Mohammedi, S Arif
2014 International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in …, 2014
Allocation and Sizing of DSTATCOM with Renewable Energy Systems and Load Uncertainty Using Enhanced Gray Wolf Optimization
RD Mohammedi, A Kouzou, M Mosbah, A Souli, J Rodriguez, ...
Applied Sciences 14 (2), 556, 2024
Optimum network reconfiguration using grey wolf optimizer
RD Mohammedi, R Zine, M Mosbah, S Arif
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 16 (5 …, 2018
Optimal power flow for transmission system with photovoltaic based DG using biogeography-based optimization
M Mosbah, R Zine, S Arif, RD Mohammedi, S Bacha
2018 International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in …, 2018
Optimal PMUs placement using hybrid PSO-GSA algorithm
AA Laouid, MM Rezaoui, A Kouzou, RD Mohammedi
2019 4th international conference on power electronics and their …, 2019
Optimal PMU placement in power grid using sine cosine algorithm
M Laouamer, A Kouzou, RD Mohammedi, A Tlemçani
2018 International Conference on Applied Smart Systems (ICASS), 1-5, 2018
Optimal reconfiguration of a radial power distribution network based on Meta-heuristic optimization algorithms
A Kouzou, RD Mohammedi
2015 4th International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion …, 2015
A memory simulated annealing method to the unit commitment problem with ramp constraints
S Arif, RD Mohammedi, A Hellal, A Choucha
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 37, 1021-1031, 2012
An efficient BBO algorithm for optimal allocation and sizing of shunt capacitors in radial distribution networks
RD Mohammedi, M Mosbah, A Hellal, S Arif
2015 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 1-5, 2015
Optimal placement of PMUs in Algerian network using genetic algorithm
M Laouamer, RD Mohammedi, A Kouzou, A Tlemçani
2018 15th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD …, 2018
Optimal size and location of PV based DG-unit in transmission system using GA method for loss reduction
M Mosbah, S Arif, R Zine, RD Mohammedi, SH Oudjana
Journal of Electrical Engineering 17 (4), 10-10, 2017
Multiobjective optimization for many wind based dg position and sizes in practical distribution network using modified differential evolution technique
M Mosbah, S Arif, RD Mohammedi, SH Oudjana, R Zine
2018 3rd International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent …, 2018
Multi-Objective Optimal Scheduling for Adrar Power System including Wind Power Generation.
RD Mohammedi, M Mosbah, A Kouzou
Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica 66 (4), 2018
Optimal Algerian distribution network reconfiguration using antlion algorithm for active power losses
M Mosbah, S Arif, RD Mohammedi, R Zine
2018 3rd International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent …, 2018
Optimal reconfiguration of an Algerian distribution network in presence of a wind turbine using genetic algorithm
M Mosbah, S Arif, RD Mohammedi, R Zine
Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems: Smart Sustainable …, 2018
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Articles 1–20