X Colom
X Colom
CEU Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
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Structural analysis of photodegraded wood by means of FTIR spectroscopy
X Colom, F Carrillo, F Nogués, P Garriga
Polymer degradation and stability 80 (3), 543-549, 2003
Structural FTIR analysis and thermal characterisation of lyocell and viscose-type fibres
F Carrillo, X Colom, JJ Sunol, J Saurina
European Polymer Journal 40 (9), 2229-2234, 2004
Effects of different treatments on the interface of HDPE/lignocellulosic fiber composites
X Colom, F Carrasco, P Pages, J Canavate
Composites Science and technology 63 (2), 161-169, 2003
Crystallinity changes in lyocell and viscose-type fibres by caustic treatment
X Colom, F Carrillo
European Polymer Journal 38 (11), 2225-2230, 2002
Effect of alkali pretreatment on cellulase hydrolysis of wheat straw: Kinetic study
F Carrillo, MJ Lis, X Colom, M López-Mesas, J Valldeperas
Process biochemistry 40 (10), 3360-3364, 2005
Composites reinforced with reused tyres: Surface oxidant treatment to improve the interfacial compatibility
X Colom, F Carrillo, J Canavate
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 38 (1), 44-50, 2007
Artificial aging of high-density polyethylene by ultraviolet irradiation
F Carrasco, P Pagès, S Pascual, X Colom
European polymer journal 37 (7), 1457-1464, 2001
FTIR and DSC study of HDPE structural changes and mechanical properties variation when exposed to weathering aging during Canadian winter
P Pages, F Carrasco, J Surina, X Colom
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 60 (2), 153-159, 1996
Processing and structure–property relationships of natural rubber/wheat bran biocomposites
K Formela, A Hejna, Ł Piszczyk, MR Saeb, X Colom
Cellulose 23, 3157-3175, 2016
FTIR spectroscopic and thermogravimetric characterization of ground tyre rubber devulcanized by microwave treatment
X Colom, A Faliq, K Formela, J Cañavate
Polymer Testing 52, 200-208, 2016
Structural and mechanical studies on modified reused tyres composites
X Colom, J Canavate, F Carrillo, JI Velasco, P Pagès, R Mujal, F Nogués
European polymer journal 42 (10), 2369-2378, 2006
Microwave treatment in waste rubber recycling–recent advances and limitations
K Formela, A Hejna, L Zedler, X Colom Fajula, FJ Cañavate Ávila
Express polymer letters 13 (6), 565-588, 2019
Investigating the combined impact of plasticizer and shear force on the efficiency of low temperature reclaiming of ground tire rubber (GTR)
K Formela, M Klein, X Colom, MR Saeb
Polymer degradation and stability 125, 1-11, 2016
Comparative study of wood samples of the northern area of Catalonia by FTIR
X Colom, F Carrillo
Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology 25 (1-2), 1-11, 2005
Effect of the particle size and acid pretreatments on compatibility and properties of recycled HDPE plastic bottles filled with ground tyre powder
X Colom, J Cañavate, F Carrillo, JJ Suñol
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 112 (4), 1882-1890, 2009
Structural and physico-mechanical properties of natural rubber/GTR composites devulcanized by microwaves: Influence of GTR source and irradiation time
X Colom, M Marín-Genescà, R Mujal, K Formela, J Canavate
Journal of Composite Materials 52 (22), 3099-3108, 2018
Preparation and characterization of natural rubber composites highly filled with brewers' spent grain/ground tire rubber hybrid reinforcement
Ł Zedler, X Colom, MR Saeb, K Formela
Composites Part B: Engineering 145, 182-188, 2018
Study of the curing process of an epoxy resin by FTIR spectroscopy
J Cañavate, X Colom, P Pages, F Carrasco
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering 39 (5), 937-943, 2000
Assessment of microstructure, physical and thermal properties of bitumen modified with LDPE/GTR/elastomer ternary blends
K Formela, M Sulkowski, MR Saeb, X Colom, JT Haponiuk
Construction and Building Materials 106, 160-167, 2016
Dielectric and mechanical characterization of PVC composites with ground tire rubber
J Orrit-Prat, R Mujal-Rosas, A Rahhali, M Marin-Genesca, X Colom-Fajula, ...
Journal of Composite Materials 45 (11), 1233-1243, 2011
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Articles 1–20