Phase transitions in an exactly soluble one-dimensional exclusion process G Schütz, E Domany Journal of statistical physics 72 (1), 277-296, 1993 | 701 | 1993 |
Exactly solvable models for many-body systems far from equilibrium GM Schütz Phase transitions and critical phenomena 19, 1-251, 2001 | 674 | 2001 |
Phase diagram of one-dimensional driven lattice gases with open boundaries AB Kolomeisky, GM Schütz, EB Kolomeisky, JP Straley Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 31 (33), 6911, 1998 | 477 | 1998 |
Fluctuation theorems for stochastic dynamics RJ Harris, GM Schütz Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2007 (07), P07020, 2007 | 398 | 2007 |
Real-time dynamics in spin-1 2 chains with adaptive time-dependent density matrix renormalization group D Gobert, C Kollath, U Schollwöck, G Schütz Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (3 …, 2005 | 330 | 2005 |
Elephants can always remember: Exact long-range memory effects in a non-Markovian random walk GM Schütz, S Trimper Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (4 …, 2004 | 305 | 2004 |
Exact solution of the master equation for the asymmetric exclusion process GM Schütz Journal of statistical physics 88, 427-445, 1997 | 289 | 1997 |
Steady-state selection in driven diffusive systems with open boundaries V Popkov, GM Schütz Europhysics Letters 48 (3), 257, 1999 | 249 | 1999 |
Condensation in the zero range process: stationary and dynamical properties S Großkinsky, GM Schütz, H Spohn Journal of statistical physics 113, 389-410, 2003 | 232 | 2003 |
Transport in the chain at zero temperature: Emergence of flat magnetization profiles T Antal, Z Rácz, A Rákos, GM Schütz Physical Review E 59 (5), 4912, 1999 | 232 | 1999 |
Criterion for phase separation in one-dimensional driven systems Y Kafri, E Levine, D Mukamel, GM Schütz, J Török Physical review letters 89 (3), 035702, 2002 | 190 | 2002 |
Minimal current phase and universal boundary layers in driven diffusive systems JS Hager, J Krug, V Popkov, GM Schütz Physical Review E 63 (5), 056110, 2001 | 175 | 2001 |
Generalized Bethe ansatz solution of a one-dimensional asymmetric exclusion process on a ring with blockage G Schütz Journal of statistical physics 71, 471-505, 1993 | 172 | 1993 |
Exact Matrix Product Solution for the Boundary-Driven Lindblad Chain D Karevski, V Popkov, GM Schütz Physical review letters 110 (4), 047201, 2013 | 166 | 2013 |
Non-Abelian symmetries of stochastic processes: Derivation of correlation functions for random-vertex models and disordered-interacting-particle systems G Schütz, S Sandow Physical Review E 49 (4), 2726, 1994 | 165 | 1994 |
Critical phenomena and universal dynamics in one-dimensional driven diffusive systems with two species of particles GM Schütz Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36 (36), R339, 2003 | 164 | 2003 |
Localization of shocks in driven diffusive systems without particle number conservation V Popkov, A Rákos, RD Willmann, AB Kolomeisky, GM Schütz Physical Review E 67 (6), 066117, 2003 | 161 | 2003 |
Asymmetric exclusion process with next-nearest-neighbor interaction: Some comments on traffic flow and a nonequilibrium reentrance transition T Antal, GM Schütz Physical Review E 62 (1), 83, 2000 | 135 | 2000 |
Application of operator algebras to stochastic dynamics and the Heisenberg chain RB Stinchcombe, GM Schütz Physical review letters 75 (1), 140, 1995 | 127 | 1995 |
Zero-range process with open boundaries E Levine, D Mukamel, GM Schütz Journal of statistical physics 120, 759-778, 2005 | 120 | 2005 |