Xavier Gamisans
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Cited by
Sorption kinetics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons removal using granular activated carbon: intraparticle diffusion coefficients
C Valderrama, X Gamisans, X De las Heras, A Farran, JL Cortina
Journal of hazardous materials 157 (2-3), 386-396, 2008
Biological sweetening of energy gases mimics in biotrickling filters
M Fortuny, JA Baeza, X Gamisans, C Casas, J Lafuente, MA Deshusses, ...
Chemosphere 71 (1), 10-17, 2008
A detailed model of a biofilter for ammonia removal: model parameters analysis and model validation
G Baquerizo, JP Maestre, T Sakuma, MA Deshusses, X Gamisans, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 113 (2-3), 205-214, 2005
Fungal biofilters for toluene biofiltration: evaluation of the performance with four packing materials under different operating conditions
JP Maestre, X Gamisans, D Gabriel, J Lafuente
Chemosphere 67 (4), 684-692, 2007
Kinetics of sorption of polyaromatic hydrocarbons onto granular activated carbon and Macronet hyper-cross-linked polymers (MN200)
C Valderrama, JL Cortina, A Farran, X Gamisans, C Lao
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 310 (1), 35-46, 2007
Oxidation by Fenton's reagent combined with biological treatment applied to a creosote-comtaminated soil
C Valderrama, R Alessandri, T Aunola, JL Cortina, X Gamisans, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 166 (2-3), 594-602, 2009
Operational aspects of the desulfurization process of energy gases mimics in biotrickling filters
M Fortuny, X Gamisans, MA Deshusses, J Lafuente, C Casas, D Gabriel
water research 45 (17), 5665-5674, 2011
Biotrickling filters for biogas sweetening: oxygen transfer improvement for a reliable operation
G Rodriguez, AD Dorado, M Fortuny, D Gabriel, X Gamisans
Process Safety and Environmental Protection 92 (3), 261-268, 2014
Modeling of a bacterial and fungal biofilter applied to toluene abatement: kinetic parameters estimation and model validation
AD Dorado, G Baquerizo, JP Maestre, X Gamisans, D Gabriel, J Lafuente
Chemical Engineering Journal 140 (1-3), 52-61, 2008
A comparative study based on physical characteristics of suitable packing materials in biofiltration
AD Dorado, FJ Lafuente, D Gabriel, X Gamisans
Environmental technology 31 (2), 193-204, 2010
Sorption of Cd (II) and Pb (II) from aqueous solutions by a low-rank coal (leonardite)
C Lao, Z Zeledón, X Gamisans, M Solé
Separation and purification technology 45 (2), 79-85, 2005
Operational aspects, pH transition and microbial shifts of a H2S desulfurizing biotrickling filter with random packing material
AM Montebello, T Bezerra, R Rovira, L Rago, J Lafuente, X Gamisans, ...
Chemosphere 93 (11), 2675-2682, 2013
Kinetic and stoichiometric characterization of anoxic sulfide oxidation by SO-NR mixed cultures from anoxic biotrickling filters
M Mora, M Fernández, JM Gómez, D Cantero, J Lafuente, X Gamisans, ...
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 99, 77-87, 2015
Aerobic desulfurization of biogas by acidic biotrickling filtration in a randomly packed reactor
AM Montebello, M Mora, LR López, T Bezerra, X Gamisans, J Lafuente, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 280, 200-208, 2014
Examining thiosulfate-driven autotrophic denitrification through respirometry
M Mora, A Guisasola, X Gamisans, D Gabriel
Chemosphere 113, 1-8, 2014
Biomass accumulation in a biofilter treating toluene at high loads–Part 1: Experimental performance from inoculation to clogging
AD Dorado, JA Baeza, J Lafuente, D Gabriel, X Gamisans
Chemical engineering journal 209, 661-669, 2012
Bacterial community analysis of a gas-phase biotrickling filter for biogas mimics desulfurization through the rRNA approach
JP Maestre, R Rovira, FJ Álvarez-Hornos, M Fortuny, J Lafuente, ...
Chemosphere 80 (8), 872-880, 2010
Respirometric characterization of aerobic sulfide, thiosulfate and elemental sulfur oxidation by S-oxidizing biomass
M Mora, LR López, J Lafuente, J Pérez, R Kleerebezem, ...
Water research 89, 282-292, 2016
Gas pollutants removal in a single-and two-stage ejector–venturi scrubber
X Gamisans, M Sarrŕ, FJ Lafuente
Journal of hazardous materials 90 (3), 251-266, 2002
Kinetics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons removal using hyper-cross-linked polymeric sorbents Macronet Hypersol MN200
C Valderrama, X Gamisans, FX De las Heras, JL Cortina, A Farran
Reactive and Functional Polymers 67 (12), 1515-1529, 2007
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Articles 1–20