Jason Shohet
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Cited by
Neuroblastoma: molecular pathogenesis and therapy
CU Louis, JM Shohet
Annual review of medicine 66 (1), 49-63, 2015
The MYCN oncogene is a direct target of miR-34a
JS Wei, YK Song, S Durinck, QR Chen, ATC Cheuk, P Tsang, Q Zhang, ...
Oncogene 27 (39), 5204-5213, 2008
The p53 regulatory gene MDM2 is a direct transcriptional target of MYCN in neuroblastoma
A Slack, Z Chen, R Tonelli, M Pule, L Hunt, A Pession, JM Shohet
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (3), 731-736, 2005
A gold nanoparticle platform for the delivery of functional microRNAs into cancer cells
R Ghosh, LC Singh, JM Shohet, PH Gunaratne
Biomaterials 34 (3), 807-816, 2013
USP7 inhibitor P22077 inhibits neuroblastoma growth via inducing p53-mediated apoptosis
YH Fan, J Cheng, SA Vasudevan, J Dou, H Zhang, RH Patel, IT Ma, ...
Cell death & disease 4 (10), e867-e867, 2013
MDM2 inhibition sensitizes neuroblastoma to chemotherapy-induced apoptotic cell death
E Barbieri, P Mehta, Z Chen, L Zhang, A Slack, S Berg, JM Shohet
Molecular cancer therapeutics 5 (9), 2358-2365, 2006
Neuroblastoma pathogenesis: deregulation of embryonic neural crest development
JA Tomolonis, S Agarwal, JM Shohet
Cell and tissue research 372 (2), 245-262, 2018
Deregulated minichromosomal maintenance protein MCM7 contributes to oncogene driven tumorigenesis
KA Honeycutt, Z Chen, MI Koster, M Miers, J Nuchtern, J Hicks, DR Roop, ...
Oncogene 25 (29), 4027-4032, 2006
WDR5 supports an N-Myc transcriptional complex that drives a protumorigenic gene expression signature in neuroblastoma
Y Sun, JL Bell, D Carter, S Gherardi, RC Poulos, G Milazzo, JWH Wong, ...
Cancer research 75 (23), 5143-5154, 2015
Anti-gene peptide nucleic acid specifically inhibits MYCN expression in human neuroblastoma cells leading to cell growth inhibition and apoptosis
R Tonelli, S Purgato, C Camerin, R Fronza, F Bologna, S Alboresi, ...
Molecular cancer therapeutics 4 (5), 779-786, 2005
Minichromosome maintenance protein MCM7 is a direct target of the MYCN transcription factor in neuroblastoma
JM Shohet, MJ Hicks, SE Plon, SM Burlingame, S Stuart, SY Chen, ...
Cancer research 62 (4), 1123-1128, 2002
G-CSF promotes neuroblastoma tumorigenicity and metastasis via STAT3-dependent cancer stem cell activation
S Agarwal, A Lakoma, Z Chen, J Hicks, LS Metelitsa, ES Kim, JM Shohet
Cancer research 75 (12), 2566-2579, 2015
A genome-wide search for promoters that respond to increased MYCN reveals both new oncogenic and tumor suppressor microRNAs associated with aggressive neuroblastoma
JM Shohet, R Ghosh, C Coarfa, A Ludwig, AL Benham, Z Chen, ...
Cancer research 71 (11), 3841-3851, 2011
The MDM2 small-molecule inhibitor RG7388 leads to potent tumor inhibition in p53 wild-type neuroblastoma
A Lakoma, E Barbieri, S Agarwal, J Jackson, Z Chen, Y Kim, M McVay, ...
Cell death discovery 1 (1), 1-9, 2015
The role of histone demethylase KDM4B in Myc signaling in neuroblastoma
J Yang, AM AlTahan, D Hu, Y Wang, PH Cheng, CL Morton, C Qu, ...
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 107 (6), djv080, 2015
Effect of MDM2 and vascular endothelial growth factor inhibition on tumor angiogenesis and metastasis in neuroblastoma
DM Patterson, D Gao, DN Trahan, BA Johnson, A Ludwig, E Barbieri, ...
Angiogenesis 14, 255-266, 2011
Direct effects of Bmi1 on p53 protein stability inactivates oncoprotein stress responses in embryonal cancer precursor cells at tumor initiation
M Calao, EO Sekyere, HJ Cui, BB Cheung, WD Thomas, J Keating, ...
Oncogene 32 (31), 3616-3626, 2013
G-CSF receptor positive neuroblastoma subpopulations are enriched in chemotherapy-resistant or relapsed tumors and are highly tumorigenic
DM Hsu, S Agarwal, A Benham, C Coarfa, DN Trahan, Z Chen, ...
Cancer research 73 (13), 4134-4146, 2013
WIP1 phosphatase as a potential therapeutic target in neuroblastoma
M Richter, T Dayaram, AG Gilmartin, G Ganji, SK Pemmasani, ...
PloS one 10 (2), e0115635, 2015
Preclinical models of pediatric solid tumors (neuroblastoma) and their use in drug discovery
DM Patterson, JM Shohet, ES Kim
Current protocols in pharmacology 52 (1), 14.17. 1-14.17. 18, 2011
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