Ai Poh Loh
Cited by
Cited by
Adaptive control of continuous time systems with convex/concave parametrization
AM Annaswamy, FP Skantze, AP Loh
Automatica 34 (1), 33-49, 1998
Attention based detection and recognition of hand postures against complex backgrounds
PK Pisharady, P Vadakkepat, AP Loh
International Journal of Computer Vision 101 (3), 403-419, 2013
Autotuning of multiloop proportional-integral controllers using relay feedback
AP Loh, CC Hang, CK Quek, VU Vasnani
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 32 (6), 1102-1107, 1993
Adaptation in the presence of a general nonlinear parameterization: An error model approach
AP Loh, AM Annaswamy, FP Skantze
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 44 (9), 1634-1652, 1999
Relay feedback auto-tuning of cascade controllers
CC Hang, AP Loh, VU Vasnani
Modeling pH neutralization processes using fuzzy-neural approaches
J Nie, AP Loh, CC Hang
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 78 (1), 5-22, 1996
Model-based contextual policy search for data-efficient generalization of robot skills
A Kupcsik, MP Deisenroth, J Peters, AP Loh, P Vadakkepat, G Neumann
Artificial Intelligence, 2014
Hand posture and face recognition using a fuzzy-rough approach
PP Kumar, P Vadakkepat, AP Loh
International Journal of Humanoid Robotics 7 (03), 331-356, 2010
Neural network modelling and control strategies for a pH process
AP Loh, KO Looi, KF Fong
Journal of Process Control 5 (6), 355-362, 1995
Modeling and control of a pilot pH plant using genetic algorithm
WW Tan, F Lu, AP Loh, KC Tan
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 18 (4), 485-494, 2005
Adaptive control of a class of nonlinear systems with convex/concave parameterization
A Kojić, AM Annaswamy, AP Loh, R Lozano
Systems & control letters 37 (5), 267-274, 1999
Describing function matrix for multivariable systems and its use in multiloop PI design
AP Loh, VU Vasnani
Journal of process control 4 (3), 115-120, 1994
Necessary conditions for limit cycles in multiloop relay systems
AP Loh, VU Vasnani
IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications 141 (3), 163-168, 1994
Adaptive estimation of discrete-time systems with nonlinear parameterization
FP Skantze, A Kojić, AP Loh, AM Annaswamy
Automatica 36 (12), 1879-1887, 2000
Auto-tuning of phase lead/lag compensators
AP Loh, X Cai, WW Tan
Automatica 40 (3), 423-429, 2004
Applications of adaptive controllers to systems with nonlinear parametrization
AM Annaswamy, C Thanomsat, N Mehta, AP Loh
Journal of dynamic systems, measurement, and control 120 (4), 477-487, 1998
Inclusive innovation: getting more from less for more
P Vadakkepat, HK Garg, AP Loh, MP Tham
Journal of Frugal Innovation 1 (1), 1-2, 2015
Robust human detection and identification by using stereo and thermal images in human robot interaction
F Guan, LY Li, SS Ge, AP Loh
International Journal of Information Acquisition 4 (02), 161-183, 2007
Relay feedback of multivariable systems and its use for auto-tuning of multi-loop PI controllers
AP Loh, WW Tan, VU Vasnani
Control, 1994. Control'94. International Conference on 2, 1049-1054, 1994
Fuzzy modeling of nonlinear pH processes through neural approach
J Nie, AP Loh, CC Hang
Fuzzy Systems, 1994. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence …, 1994
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Articles 1–20